The Preparation

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Dakota's POV:**

After an hour of reassuring Adrian that me and the guys are just friends, he finally calmed down and eventually took me home. 

Right now, I'm sprawled out on my bed with 2 bags of Dinamitas and an empty carton of ice cream. I just finished watching Gone in 60 Seconds. I look down at my phone. It's 6:30 in the afternoon and I'm in my pj's, eating like a pig with nothing better to do. 

Well yeah that's because your social life is in the toilet.

Fuck you too then damn.

I pick my phone up and see 4 unread messages from Jay so instead of reading them I call her, she answers on the first ring and practically screams into my ear. 

"What took you so long to respond?!?! I'm having a crisis over here! There's a party and I don't know what the fuck to wear!! I need you to get your ass over here and help me damnit!"

And just like that she hung up. I throw my phone beside me on the bed and remove all my trash and then stand up. I take my pj's off and throw my school clothes back on. I stretch my arm across my bed and grab my phone and keys.

*20 minutes later**

I pull into Jay's driveway and take the key out of my car. I open the door and step out not bothering to lock it. I walk up the steps to the front door and right as I'm about to knock, the door swings open and Jay stands there looking frantic. 

Suddenly she grabs my arm and drags me inside and upstairs to her room.  She shoves her door open and I'm greeted with the gorgeous sight of massive, mountains of clothes scattered all around her floor and bed. 

"Holy shit" I mutter. She finally lets go of my hand and I begin looking through all the dresses that are party appropriate. 

After an hour of searching, we finally found the perfect dress. It's a beautiful turquoise color with glitter all over it. 

Jay's dress : 

30 minutes later and we finally have her hair and makeup done

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30 minutes later and we finally have her hair and makeup done. Once she's ready she stands up and hugs me and then starts fixing my hair too. 

"Uh, what the fuck are you doing" I  ask her while dodging her hands. 

"I'm getting you ready too, you didn't think I was going to leave you home did you?" she says and continues fixing my hair. Once she's done with my hair she leads me to her closet and lets me pick out a dress. 

My dress: 

I came out of the bathroom, and she jumps up and down on the bed like a 12-year-old

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I came out of the bathroom, and she jumps up and down on the bed like a 12-year-old. 

"Holy shit holy shit you look so fucking hot!" she screams at me. I thank her and return the compliment. We snap a couple selfies and post them on our stories. 

"C'mon let's go we're going to miss the whole damn party" she says and grabs my arm, practically dragging me out of the room and down the stairs. 

Hey babes! Yes I know, It's been a while. Once again I've had alot going on but I'm gonna try to be more consistent for you guys. This was a super short chapter, 583 words. But I wanted to get something out to you guys. This was more of a filler chapter. Next's gonna be spicy so get ready <33 Don't forget to vote and comment. Love ya babes <33

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