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Hey yall...

So I know this probably isn't what most of you wanted to see but here we are. 

Lately I've been really struggling with my mental health and It's affecting my physical health and my relationship/friendships. Which only makes me feel worse. 

Point is, I'm trying really hard to fix myself because I tend to overthink alot and accuse people of things just because that's what I'm used to. I need to take some time to make myself understand that some people really have good intentions and some people really do care for you and if you're shitty to them, they're gonna leave. 

To anyone out there that is struggling with mental health/self harm/or anything and you want/need to talk. My inbox is open. Please come to me or talk to someone you can trust. I know the feeling, of believing no one really cares and it's dangerous to everyone. Especially if/when you really do have someone that you wanna be with forever. 

Anyways, I'm gonna be taking a break from writing for a little while. Maybe if I get some motivation then I'll post a chapter here and there but no promises. I'm undecided on whether I wanna unpublish Her Dark Romance for now or If I should leave it up. You guys lmk what you think I should do. 

Thank you so much for all of your support and love for this book. And hopefully this doesn't disappoint anyone too much. 

In case no one has told you today. 

You are beautiful, you are strong, you are loved, you are handsome, you have a kind soul and a big heart. I'm so proud of how far you've come and you can do it. But most of all you're worth it. You're worth someone caring for and loving and no matter what always remember that we see the faults and flaws in ourselves that other people don't. We're so hard on ourselves and usually it's the little things. 

I hope this made someone smile, or made someone's day a little brighter. Remember my inbox is open. Love ya babes <3

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