Ignoring Him

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**The next morning***

I woke up to 22 unread messages. 5 from each of the guys I met last night and 2 from Adrian. I roll my eyes and get out of bed, stretching fairly dramatically and slipping my slides on. I walk to my bathroom and wash my face. Once my face is washed, I walk back into my room and open my closet to grab my outfit for the day. 

I grab my Death band t-shirt and black jeans and throw them on my bed. I then grab my phone and open all my messages responding to the boys and leaving Adrian on read. 

He might have a reason to be upset but he didn't have to walk out like that. 

I get dressed and slip on my black combat boots. I brush my hair and grab my backpack, throwing my charger inside in the process. I grab my black Motorhead hoodie and slip it on and throw my backpack over my shoulder. 

I grab my keys and walk downstairs and out the front door. After locking the door, I walk to my car and get in, putting the key in the ignition. 

I turn up my music and pull out of my driveway. 

Once I arrive at school, I park my car and turn down my music. I take the key out and grab my backpack, getting out and locking my car. I turn around and I'm face to face with Adrian. 

I gasp. 

"God dammit you scared the shit out of me what the fuck is your problem?!"

"Where do I start?! Hmmm for starters you just walked out of the fucking hospital as if you weren't even a patient there, then you don't respond to any of my texts, or Jay's! Then I drive by your house this morning and your fucking car is gone. I have several problems right now!!" he practically yells at me. 

"Whoa whoa buddy back the fuck up. YOU walked out first! K that's the first thing, now you're talking to me like you fucking own me dude, back up" I spat out and push him out of my way and walk into the school building. 

As soon as I get in the building there are eyes all over me. Whispers and murmurs and all of a sudden, I feel someone grab me. 

I turn around ready to kick some ass and see Jay standing there eyeballing me as if I was a ghost. 

"Oh my god what happened" she whisper screams and hugs me. 

" I'm sorry Jay" I mumble and when we pull away, I see she was crying. 

I immediately hug her again and wipe her tears with my sleeve. 

"I got so scared, I saw Adrian storm out and then when I came to check on you, you weren't there." She sobs into my arm. 

"I know, I know I had to get out of there. I couldn't handle it" I mumble and pull away. 

"C'mon we're going to be late" I grab her hand and pull her to our classroom. 

We walk in and take our seats. I sit down and Jay sits beside me still holding my finger. Something tells me she's going to be like this for a while. 

The teacher walks in and starts giving the lesson. I look down at the worksheet in front of me and try to focus but my mind goes other places. 

I feel a tap on my back, so I turn around and come face to face with Adrian. I glare at him and roll my eyes before turning back around in my seat. 

He taps me again and I ignore him. Me and Jay share a look and she rolls her eyes as well. He continues tapping me and I'm getting irritated. 

He thumps me on the back of my neck and all hell breaks loose. 

"What the FUCK is your problem dude?" I whisper through gritted teeth. 

"Oh nothing, just you know. My girlfriend is ignoring me while I'm trying to apologize and explain something to her" he replies calmly. 

"Yeah, well my boyfriend is an asshole who walked out on me at the hospital, so he deserves to be ignored." I spat back at him, and he raises his eyebrow. 

I finish my worksheet and walk to the front of the room for the bathroom pass. I grab the girls' bathroom pass and walk out of the room to the bathroom. 

I need some air.

You need some head, that's what you need. 

What is your problem??

Suddenly I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a hand on the back of my neck. I stop dead in my tracks and turn around to see Adrian smirking at me. 

"What do you want Adrian?" I groan out. He grabs me by the throat and leans in to kiss me. 

Oh fuck.

I pull back and just look at him. 

He lets go of my throat and grabs my hand, dragging me to his locker. He opens his locker and pulls out a medium sized yellow box and hands it to me. 

I look at him and turn my head slightly sideways. 

"Open it" he says and gives me the biggest smile ever. 

"Why? Is it a bomb? Are you trying to kill me?!" I ask jokingly and he rolls his eyes.

"Just open the damn box D!" He mumbles and watches me expectantly. 

I smirk and open the lid of the box and my jaw drops. 

Inside I see Reload the Metallica CD, A lime flavored bottle of Jarritos, and a bunch of really pretty rocks. 

"Do you like it?" he asks me, and I look up at him. 

"YES! It's fucking awesome! These rocks are gorgeous!" I scream and he smiles. 

"Yeah, I saw them and thought of you. I take it I'm forgiven?" he asks shyly and smirks a little.

"Maybe, maybe not" I smile and stand up on my tippie toes to kiss him. 

He kisses back and smiles at me. 

"So where did you go when you left the hospital?" he asks, and I realize he's serious. 

"No where really. I went to the corner store and got some Monster, and I met a couple of really cool dudes." 

"Oh.... cool guys huh?" he asks and his demeanor changes. His hands drop from my waist and go into his pockets.

What's his problem all of a sudden? 

Hiya babes! I'm not sure if this is late or not but here ya go!! 1084 words!! Looks to me like Adrian might be a little jellyyy! What do you guys think about this chapter! Lmk guys!! Don't forget to vote and comment! And thank you guys for sticking with me through this! Love ya babes!! <3

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