Unknown Number

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The rest of the day went by pretty fast. And before I knew it, it was time to go home. I grabbed everything from my locker leaving only my books because trust me, walking 3 miles with a bag full of books in the summer is not as fun as it sounds. I walked down the hall avoiding the chitchat coming from my classmates and through the silver double doors of the school. 

Stepping into the sunlight felt so good after being in a stuffy classroom all day. I looked up from where I was walking to see him leaning against the hood of his car. God he looked so hot~ His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows exposing his scarred, tattooed arms. He looked over at me and smirked devilishly.

 I continued walking to my house. As soon as I got there I unlocked the front door, dropping my bag on the floor and layed on the carpet inside the door for a few minutes before getting up and walking into the kitchen. I was starving.

I pulled the freezer door open and was greeted with the sight of my favorite food, Ice cream! I grabbed the container and a spoon and went upstairs to my bedroom, pulling out my phone to scroll through TikTok. As I was eating my delicious Oreo ice cream I got a message from an unknown number. 

I opened it and read the message

 "Hello darling I hope you got home safe"

 I hesitantly replied "Um, who are you?"

Within seconds he responded again "Top secret information baby, I'll see you soon." 

Baby mmmmm I could feel the butterflies forming in my stomach making me even more nervous.  

Wait no I don't even know this person. Shut up Dakota.

Great now I'm talking to myself.

Super short chapter, 320 words! Thank you for readinggg! Don't forget to comment and vote, Love ya babes <3

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