The Discovery

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TW** Self harm***

Dakota's POV: 

I open my eyes and am immediately I'm blinded by the bright white lights. Where am I? The last thing I remember is sitting in the bathroom on the phone with- Adrian! Where is he?!

The door opens and in walks the man himself looking tired as ever. 

"Oh my god!" he gasps and runs to the bed grabbing my hand and kissing my head.

"You scared the shit out of me D!" he whispers, and he looks like he's on the verge of tears. 

"What happened?" I croak out.

"You got into an argument with the teacher, and I saw you storm off to the restroom, so I followed after you and once I got there you were crying so I called you and you answered after a little bit. We were going to leave but then all of a sudden, I heard a thud, and the line went dead so against my better judgement, I ran into the bathroom, and you were unconscious on the floor with blood behind your head" he rambles and when he finally stops his eyes widen.

"I have to go get the doctor!!" he yells and bolts out of the room. 

I watch him leave and after a few minutes he comes back with the doctor. 

"Ah Ms. Dakota, I'm Dr. Phillips how do you feel" he asks me and walks over to the side inspecting the monitors. 

"Like shit" I mumble, and he looks at me and chuckles. 

"That is to be expected. Now Ms. Dakota is it ok if I ask you a couple questions?" he asks and looks at me sincerely. 

"Yeah sure" I mumble, and he nods his head. 

"Great, when was the last time you ate, and I don't mean a snack. I mean an actual meal?" he asks me, eyeballing me as if he already knows the answer. 

"Uh" I look around the room and my eyes land on Adrian who is stood at the foot of the hospital bed. When I don't answer he furrows his eyebrows. 

"I-I can't remember" I whisper, and he looks at me understanding.

Dr. Philips looks over at Adrian. 

"I'll be right back" and he walks out, shutting the door behind him. 

The tension in the room is clear. I move my hands to either side and look at Adrian who is already staring at me intensely. 

"I-" he cuts me off.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asks and sounds genuinely hurt. 

"I- I'm sorry I don't- I don't know what to say" I mumble and look down at my wrists. Adrian must have noticed though because he walks over to the side of the bed and pulls the sleeve of my hoodie up. His eyes widen when he sees the healing scars and recent cuts. 

He looks up at me, his eyes panicking, flashing from my wrist to my face back to my wrist and my face again. 

"W-why, how, when did you do this Dakota?" he whispers so low I can barely hear him. 

"2 days ago," I mumble and immediately look down not wanting to see the disappointment in his eyes. 

"Why baby why did you do this?" he asks me and sits beside me on the bed. I shrug my shoulders and continue to stare at the floor.

He grabs my other hand and holds it whilst still looking at my wrist. 

"Talk to me, tell me what happened?" he pleads but I can't get any words out. I can't tell him how I feel right now... I can't tell anyone. 

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