The Interogation

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Dakota's POV: 

"OH MY GOD Jay I feel like I'm at the fucking police station after witnessing a fucking murder!" I yell. I've been in school for 3 hours and after seeing me and Adrian pull up together, she has been questioning me nonstop. I'm ready to slap some duct tape on her face at this point. Not to mention she has only worsened my headache.

"Oh c'mon D, give me the juicy details" she says, grinning eagerly.

"Fuck off. There are no juicy details. He took me home, changed my clothes and we fell asleep together, that's it. What about the dude you were fucking in the kitchen?" I suddenly remember her new "friend".

"Oh well uh....Boy is he great in bed, and D he's got kinks, i mean KINKS."

"That's great." I reply just as the lunch bell rings

"Oop c'mon Jay let's go I'm starving." I say grabbing her arm and dragging her to the lunchroom. 

We get in the lunch line, grabbing our pizza and slowly move to the register where we pay for our lunches and then walk side by side to our usual table. We sit down and talk about random things until I look up and she is glancing behind me.

"You good?" I ask genuinely concerned what if its a school shooter or some shit?

"Yeah, don't look now but some guy has been staring at you since we got our lunch" she mumbles.

It's not Adrian, I know that since I've been looking at his table every 5 seconds.  Wait... is that why every time i look at him it looks like he's shooting daggers into someone's soul behind me?

"Who is he?" I ask contemplating turning around and seeing for myself

"He kinda looks like Adrian's cousin" she mumbles so low I almost couldn't hear her.

I grab my plate and stand up to take it to the trash. Stealing a glance towards the table behind me i see that it is indeed Adrian's cousin Brian. He waves at me and i wave back as the end of lunch bell rings signaling that lunch is over and its time for 5th period. I throw my plate in the garbage and head to my locker grabbing my advanced algebra II books and heading to class. 

I walk in and take my seat pulling out my books and flipping to the page numbers written on the board. I have this class with Adrian along with American Government but he hasn't shown up yet. 

"Typical boys" I mumble and shake my head

Once again i'm pulled out of my thoughts when a chair is violently dragged across the floor, creating a screeching noise and making my headache even worse. 

"Hey what the fu-" I stop dead in my tracks when i realize who it is standing beside me.

"Damn, what is up with you and cussing at me?" he questions and sits down in his chair.

"I-I'm sorry i just have a horrible fucking headache and that damn chair made it so much worse and I cn't go to the nurse"

"Why not" he asks while taking his books out, not even bothering to open them

"Because how amazing does it sound to tell my teachers oh yeah uh I need to go to the nurse's office because I went to a party last night and got totally fucking wasted and now my head hurts like a motherfucker?" I ask giving him a "not gonna happen" look

"Fair enough" he mumbles and pulls out a small bottle of Ibuprofen and a water and hands them to me. I quicky grab them and hide them under the table.

"Adrian! You're not supposed to carry pills around with you!" I whisper shout

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