The Truth

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After getting virtually no sleep last night because I was still thinking about the car scene. It's 5 fucking AM and I have to get my ass up and ready for school. I really don't wanna go and deal with all those little shitheads but at least Adrian will be there

I smile to myself while grabbing my outfit for the day. It's just an oversized Slayer sweater and some black leggings. I swear I do not feel like wearing jeans today

As soon as I grab my phone off of the charger, I hear a horn outside

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As soon as I grab my phone off of the charger, I hear a horn outside. I freeze as the flashbacks start coming back and I stay still in one spot almost in tears until my ringtone snaps me out of it. I look down at the caller ID to see Adrian's name on my screen, I don't answer and grab my keys and wallet and throwing them in my bag and wiping my face.

I open my front door and shut it behind me, locking it. Turning around to see Adrian's car in front of my house.

Ah, so that's why he was calling me

He rolls the window down and waves me over. I walk over to his car and stand in front of the door.

"Hey" he says smiling until his smile fades and he looks at me concerned.

"Hey what's wrong?" he asks panicking.

"Nothing, I'm ok" I mumble.

"Why are you here though?" I ask suspiciously.

"C'mon I wanted to give you a ride to school today" He says smiling.

He pulls the door handle, opening it and pushes it out from the driver's side for me to get in. I pull the door open and slide into the car. 

I pull the door shut and put my seatbelt on. I then realize we aren't moving. Looking over at Adrian I see he's already looking at me. 

"Uh, are you gonna" I ask motioning my hands at the steering wheel.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong" he growls and turns the car off, taking the keys out of the ignition. 

"Adrian we're gonna be fucking late!" I shout.

"Too fucking bad because I'm not moving" he says calmly.

"Fine be an ass then" I retort and take my seatbelt off. As I'm about to open the door, Adrian grabs my arm. I look back at him ready to snap but when my eyes meet his, I see nothing but concern and sadness. 

"Hey, don't run away from me, whatever it is, we can work it out together. You can trust me D" he says still holding my arm.

"Work through it together? Really? How the fuck are we going to work through the fact that I was raped when I was 5, molested my whole childhood, beaten, neglected, how the fuck are we going to work through that?" I nearly scream. 

He sits there lost for words and just looks at me like I've grown 2 heads. I knew it, I knew he'd be disgusted. I knew he'd hate me. I shouldn't have told him. I'm fucking disgusting but I've already dug my own grave, so I continue.

"How are we supposed to work through the fact that I have more scars on my body from myself than from anyone else? How do we fix something that is beyond repair. I'd be better off as a fucking bumper sticker at this point" I say, tearing up. 

He starts the car without saying another word. I stare out the window trying so hard not to let the tears fall and zone out. When I come back to reality, I realize we're parking in his driveway. 

I ignore it thinking he probably forgot something and stare at the window. He turns the car off, takes his seatbelt off and in a second, he's opening my door. 

"Get out" he says calmly

I get out of the car after removing my seatbelt and lightly shoves me against the door and kisses me. 

"I don't know how, and I don't know when but we will work through this if it takes every breath in my body." He growls.

He grabs my hand and pulls me inside his house. 

"Hey! What about school you dumbass?" I remind him.

"We're not going, there is no way in fuck I am driving you to school with the morning you've had. We're gonna hang here today. We can do whatever you want" he says and walks to the kitchen pulling the popcorn out of the cabinet. 

As soon as I see the popcorn I'm hooked

"Alright cool, what movie should we watch?"

He grabs the remote and puts Scream on then returns to the kitchen to grab the 2 huge bowls of popcorn he made. 

"I have an idea, how about we watch Scream and make out every time somebody gets killed" he says smirking

"Adrian, this is Scream....we would never stop making out" I say and roll my eyes.

"Hell yeah that's the whole point" he screams and laughs at himself. 

We ended up just making out on the couch and spilled a bowl of popcorn all over the place that we cleaned up together. 

"So how does it feel to have a tattoo now?" he asks while grabbing the broom to sweep the corn kernels off of the couch cushion. 

"It feels awesome, I want to get another one but the shit hurts like hell" I say grabbing the dustpan. 

"hm, what do you want to get?" he asks and takes the dustpan and throws the kernels in the trash. 

"Honestly, I don't know" I mumble and then I start thinking.

What are we? I mean, we kiss and hold hands and flirt and shit. I mean I literally gave him head in the driver's seat of his car... Wtf is going on here?

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a hand on my shoulder. 

"You ok?" he asks and puts the broom back in its place.

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine, just thinking" I mumble and grab the other bowl of popcorn off of the counter and sit back down on the couch. 

"C'mon let's watch Hocus Pocus" I nearly shriek.

"I love Hocus Pocus!" he screams and plops down onto the couch beside me and lays his head in my lap. 

What if I'm just.... another fling? What if I'm making myself look stupid? What if this is some dumb joke?! 

HIYA BABES! I know, took me a while! But what do you think?? 1087 words! Thank you guys so much for readinggg! If you have any suggestions, my DM's are open. Don't forget to vote and comment! Love you babes! 

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