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A puppet with a heart

You were a f/c kitsune who walked around Inazuma you didn't bother anyone actually you normally strayed away from civilization.

"Oh y/n there you are." You recently became friends with a child.
"Here is your grilled fish."

As you finished eating your fish a hand came into view. You immediately jumped back hissing at the poor child.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you."
The Child put there hand out and turned there head away from your gaze so you wouldn't get nervous.

You slowly approached the child putting your head in his hand. That memory was from 45 years ago. Your now 507.

You walked through the thick snow limping on your hurt leg and your bleeding head. Finally you hit your limit and passed out.

Scaramooche was taking a walk to get away from his subordinates (*cough* child *cough*)

He kneeled down to inspect the critter and picked it up. "oi you alive." He gently shook you.

When you awoke you realized you had turned back into your human form. Freaking out you bolted for the door stumbling a little.

Slowly opening the door you turned into you Kistune form and ran. You were running when someone picked you up.

Trying to wiggle out his grasp" hey girlie. "
You decided to bite his hand but when you did your form came undone again.

"Aren't those Balladear clothes. "
You started running again this time driving into a room to get away from the human.

"Tch who gave you permission to come in here." You immediately snapped your head around to see a short male with a rather large hat.

"Who are you." He asked, you turned around walking over to his desk and leaning down over him. Inspecting his face you got close enough until your noses were almost touching.

"Kuni?" You couldn't remember what kunikizushi's scent was before but this guys scent was almost nostalgic. You hadn't noticed how big the shirt you were wearing was until it had fallen off your shoulder, revealing some of your chest.

Scaramooche immediately looked away, a crimson blush sneaking it's way onto his cheeks.

You backed away fixing the shirt, when the person from earlier busted into the room along with a women. "See this person was a fox earlier." The ginger pointed at you.

Your eyes narrowed at the tall figure " I'm a kitsune dumbass get it right." You snapped causing the harbinger behind you too snicker. "She's mean to signora."

"Scaramooche care to explain." Signora focused her gaze to you inspecting your ears.

"Not really." Scaramooche went back to his paperwork as you and signora had a starring battle. Child walked up to you leaning over and looking down on you.

"Back up." You clenched your fist as he continued to look down on you.

He raised his hand going for your ears to which you grabbed it twisting it behind his back and pinned him to the floor.

"Definitely strong for a lady." His come back pissed you off so you twisted arm even more. "Signora help."

"Y/n that's enough." You sighed climbing off the ginger and turned back into your kitsune form climbing onto Scaramouche's lap.

You hissed at the ginger as he hid behind signora.

"Don't let Dottere find them, or that's the end of your new pet." She dragged child out of Scaramouche's office closing the door behind her.

You turned around to look at his face turning back into a human so you could have his attention

"What?" He narrowed his eyes at you now in his lap. You nuzzled into neck causing a sniker to erupt from his mouth. "Are you not Kunikizushi." He put his hands on your hips pulling you closer.

"No Kunikizushi is dead." He picked you up placing you on the futon in his office, as he walked back to his desk you stared at the bandages and new clothes." You didn't change me did you."

His face immediately heated up stuttering to get any words out." No I didn't change you I had one of my servants do it." He went back to his paperwork. You stared at
him intently wanting his attention back.

"Why are you in Shneznaya y/n." You turned away from him completely ignoring his question. You heard him stand up and walk over to you.

He turned you around pinning you to the couch." That wasn't a rhetorical question y/n." You felt your cheeks get hot and turn a crimson red.

"Uh i uhm snuck on a boat to get out of Imazuma I didn't know the boat was headed for Shneznaya. He climbed off of you sitting on the arm of the couch and put his head on his hands ,letting out a deep sigh.

You crawled over to him giving him small head pats. Laying your head in his lap slowly drifting to sleep." I think your the only one that haven't left me , unlike my mother or the boy I saw as family."

He subconsciously started to pet your head and ears all feeling so familiar to his cold hands." I've missed you so much y/n.".

He sighed again before you turned back into a kitsune. He pick you up laying you on his lap before going back to his paperwork.


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