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title: amongst the snow Genre :Angst(There is fluff at the end) Tw: Blood, death Pairing: albedo x Shoguns daughter Wepon: Magical floaty book Pronouns: She/her Words: 1303 (backstory: Ya'll so we're the daughter of the Raiden shogun and so when ei released Kunikizushi he came back for us and took us to Mondstadt:))

You walked around the snowy planes of Dragonspine with your lover, the only thing keeping you warm was each other. "Hey love if you get to cold let me now and we'll turn around." Albedo took your hand and blew on it warming it up. "Albedo I'm fine I promise." You giggled at him being overprotective of you and smiled." Besides how could I be cold when I have you to light up my dark world." He looked at you with a flustered look before nodding and taking you to the next spot. After walking for a bit he let go of your hand." You pick the flowers here and I'll be over there k." You nodded and started picking the flowers while Albedo walked over behind the rocks a couple feet away.

Humming a gentle melody, your mind drifted off into it's own place but a feeling of dread washed over your body. You slowly closed your eyes feeling tiredness wash over you but when you snapped back to reality you had been taken to your mothers Plan Of Euthymia as buildings crumbled and arches fell and in the middle of all the chaos was Ei. She placed both feet on the ground and turned to face you before speaking. "Good your here I need to speak with you." You Summoned your Magical floaty book (Idk how to spell that word😭) and kept your guard up as she approached you. "really cause in the 15 years iv lived in Mondstadt did you ever once show yourself." It appeared as if you'd struck a nerve as you could've swore you saw her face turn red with anger for a second before she calmed down. "Barbatos told me that you've had trouble making friends so I wanted to check on you." You put away your floaty book and crossed you arms, looking at the ground. "I don't need your help with anything now leave me alone, I'm sure my boyfriend is worried." Ei's eyes had a hint sadness but she granted your wish and transported you back to Dragonspine. As a silent tear ran down your face you immediately wiped it away when you heard a commotion behind you.

"Moment of birth." You ran towards the familiar voice but not quick enough as you had made it right as he had been struck down. Your eyes widened as more tears fell down you face, onto your chin before falling and melting the snow beneath you. "" You voice barley above a whisper as Albedo hit the snow turning it red with his blood, and above him stood Dorian wearing a crooked smile as he laughed. "Our master may have chosen you to continue her legacy but I was first," Dorian laughed dropping his blood coated sword to the ground before acknowledging your presence. You fell to your knees as more and more tears fell from your eyes as Dorian left ,disappearing into the snowstorm surrounding that part of the mountain.

You stood up and ran over to Albedo holding his lifeless body close to your chest as you sobbed. little did you know that outside of Dragonspine Teyvat had been thrown into chaos because of your emotions. Thunderstorm and Lightning storms had formed all over Teyvat, Lightning falling from the sky and striking the ground below so much it could be called rain. Both Scaramouch and Ei new what must have happened to cause these events. "poor y/n what happened to you."

As you cried your tears fell onto Albedo's face rolling down his cheeks as if they were his own tears. but it was as if something inside you snapped. You stopped crying and all emotions were as if they had been drained from your body, gone without a trace. The storms stopped and the rain clouds parted revealing the sun once more until a voice spoke sending shivers down your spine. "You are a danger to Teyvat and the heavenly principles and for that you must perish." You made eye-contact with the voice as she stepped out of her star shaped portal and into the snow.

She had long white hair, red-orangish eyes and cubes surrounding her. "If your going to kill me just do it already I have nothing left anyway." You voice was filled with pain as you remembered Albedo's smile and his laugh, all the things that made you hope again.

Gone and stripped away from you in the blink of an eye. "Fine if that is what you wish." She raised her hand to you as cubes erupted from her hand being sent towards you, but before it could hit you the world around you shattered leaving you in the dark as the world crumpled around you, Shocking even the Heavenly Principles.

"Oh my poor creation How dare first my homeland no my son have you no shame." Behind you emerged a blonde women with bright blue eyes and a lab coat similar to Albedo. She looked down at you who was still holding Albedo close to your heart, with red cheeks and puffy eyes. "Oh grown attached have you." She smirked and chuckled teleporting you to her lab, all while fixing her ponytail. "Who are you little girl." You kept quite and instead kissed Albedo's forehead earning a chuckle from her. "why don't you let me take him off your hands and I'll fix him." You shook your head no and held him closer. "No even if you do bring him back he won't be the same Albedo I know." You looked down at him, His face looked so peaceful as if he was sleeping. "He'll be the same I swear on my life as a Khan'riahn." she flashed a gentle smile taking Albedo out of your arms and took him to another room leaving you dumbfounded. "Did she just take Albedo out of my arms." The look on your face was probably offended mixed with "What the hell just happened." she tossed you a pair of clothes motioning to your bloody shirt.

"Here pet this I'll be done soon." she handed you a rift hound but smaller? It was as if she tried to make a puppy granted it look'd adorable but you were starting to think this lady was mentally ill. "Come here." You walked over to were the voice was and your eyes widened in shock, a giant smile coming onto your face. Albedo was laying on the bed snoring away with a smile on his face. "I didn't change a thing don't worry." You wiped away the hot tears pouring down your face as you chuckled, and walked over to his bed side. You pushed the bangs out of his face and smiled. "Thank you." She nodded leaving you two alone, as you sat down on the edge of the bed.

When Albedo stirred awake he awoke to the sound of a melody, a soft gentle sound almost as pure as the wind itself. "Hi darling." His voice was scratchy and dry but still startled you. He grunted as you wrapped your arms around his neck and cried into his shoulder, When you calmed down you looked up and sniffled. "Don't scare me like that again you stupid idiot." he wiped away your tears and kissed you nose smiling. "I won't don't worry." He kissed your lips gently and put his hands on your waist as your arms snaked around his neck.

(This was supposed to be complete angst but it was to depressing for me sorry emo kids😁😁.)

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