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  Title:Bad Medicine
Genre: fluffy angst

"Achoo" you grabbed another tissue and blew your nose as Baizhu opened the door. "Bless you darling" he went over to the night stand mixing herbs and spices together and added a red liquid into the bowl before putting the concoction in a glass bottle. "Here say aah." You shook your head no and locked your jaw shut. "Your medicine taste like shit." You stuck your tongue out at him. He sighed "Darling if you don't drink the medicine you'll only get worse no open wide." You crossed your arms and and hid under blanket.

Baizhu left your room and after about 10 minutes he came back with another bowl in hand. "Darling I got you som ice cream." You poked your head out and sat up reaching for the bowl. "It's a trap isn't it." He smiled and shook his no head no showing you the I/f(ice cream flavor). Your took the bowl and ate the entire bowl of ice cream. "You put the medicine in the ice cream didn't you." He snickered and nodded standing up from his crouching position and hugged your head. "I'm sorry darling it was the only way I could get you to drink your medicine." He kissed your cheek and snuggled into your neck. "My head still hurt." He laughed at your whines  and put your head on his chest. Kissing your head all over as his fingers massaged your scalp. He hummed a small tune hopping to drift you to sleep. "Baizhu." He looked at you with a smile. "What is it darling." You looked away from his piercing gaze and played with your hands. "Uhm will you cuddle with me if your not to busy." You blushed realizing how stupid that must have sounded, asking for affection. "Of course I'll cuddle you for as long as you want" he payed down on his back and hugged you as his fingers played with you hair. He sighed wishing the moments like these could last forever. But sadly everything must come to an end. Even you who he thought would never leave him. He placed the flowers on your grave patting the stone.

          "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."

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