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Oh my archons

"Zhongli your S/o is trying to eat me." Child busted through the door With a F/c Kitsune biting his arm. Child vigorously shook his arm trying to pry the animal off him. " Y/n let him go." You didn't let go, instead you dug your fangs deeper into his arm causing him to scream in agony. Turning back into human you sat on the floor sulking. " He took my Morax plushie and won't give it back." While you and Child were fighting a crimson blush found its way to Zhongli's face thinking why you would need a Morax plush when he cuddled you every night. " Child just give it back to them before they eat you." Child gave you back the dragon and left and you picked up your plushie putting it into your hoodie causing Zhongli to blush even more.

"Love what's the point of that." You stood up walking over to him showing him the dragon." It's cute ,but not as cute as your red face." You giggled. He hid his face from your view going back to last bit of his paperwork." Am I not squishy enough for you love." He scratched behind your ears earning a purr from you." Your purring. "Running backwards resulting in your fall , madly blushing"I-I was not purring you crazy old man." He laughed at you standing up and kneeling in front of you. Putting his hand and on your chin. " Do you really need such a thing when you have the real Morax right here y/n." You nodded shyly but then a thought popped into your mind. " Morax are you jealous of my stuffie." You laughed at his red face as he did you.
You laughing at him and teasing him made Zhongli feel something's he's never felt in so many years."love may I kiss you." Your laughter died down when you realized he was   Serious " Morax we've been dating for almost five years yet you still feel the need to ask for my consent for little things." You cupped his face rubbing circles on his cheek." Child told me that most people find consent hot." You gently kissed his lips as he brought his hands to your hips pulling you closer. It wasn't anything heated just a sweet innocent kiss.

He separated first from your lips smiling sweetly. " If the time comes when we are not together you will continue to shine like gold in my memories." You giggled at his at his gentleness with you "Your stuck with me forever like a contract that will never be broken, one that will never cease to exist as long as the threads of fate stay together."
He pulled you into his chest peppering you with kisses. "Zhongli can I ask you something." He nodded as you continued. " Whenever I'm with you I sometimes feel like I'm not enough Guizhong will always best me when it comes to you, so do you think I'm enough." You looked at him with a sad look, your ears falling down and you tail wasn't swooshing as fast. He didn't know how to respond to you.

(Osmantis wine-)

"Love do not fret on the past you are my current love and you will never leave me and I love only you so yes you are more then enough." Your ears perked up and you smiled squeezing his cheeks. "You and your big words." You stood up brushing off your clothes and picking up you stuffie. " I'll be home a little later so don't wait up for me ." You nodded leaving his office and headed towards you shared abode.

Unlocking the door you walked up the narrow stair was to the bedroom. You immediately blushed remembering the state you left the bed in during an earlier uhm course of actions. Changing the sheets and the blanket you made the bed throwing the previous sheets in the wash. You threw your plushie onto the bed, Turned into your kitsune form and cuddled into it drifting to sleep. When Zhongli walked into the bedroom he saw your much smaller form cuddled into the much bigger dragon. He walked to the bathroom stepping into the hot shower. Stirring awake you turned back into your human form opening the bathroom door, the steam hit your face adding to the heat on your face there he stood in nothing but a towel his long brown hair with amber hues trailing down his back. "Like what you see darling." His seducing voice nocked you out of your trance as you slowly closed the door and hid under the covers.

"Love come back." He threw on a pair of sweats and fixed his hair as he walked out of the bathroom. Pulling the covers off your body. "Love look at me." You brought your tail up to cover your red face. Zhongli sighed crawling onto his side of the bed bringing your hand to his chest cuddling into your head while you cuddled into you plushie.

        "Your acting like you've never seen me bare before love."
"Shut it you old ass rock."

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