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Title: Adeptis y/n                                                                                                                                                                    Pairing: Xiao x adeptis y/n                                                                                                                                                  Genre: Angst                                                                                                                                                                              Tw: Blood                                                                                                                                                                                    Pronouns: They/Them                                                                                                                                                          Words:                                                                                                                                                                                        Weapon: Polearm                                                                                                                                                                    Vision: Cryo                                                                                                                                                                             (I know I write about Xiao a lot but like I just love him so much also I knw im a couple days late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY XIAO)

Bosacius= electro yaksha                                                                                                                                                    Indarias= pyro yaksha                                                                                                                                                           Bonanus= Hydro yaksha                                                                                                                                                     Menogias= geo yaksha

Your spears clashed together sending Xiao's into the ground and you kicked him in the stomach knocking him to the ground. You pointed your spear at his neck before taking off your mask. "Nice try Alatus maybe next time." You helped him up and dusted him off before patting his head. "Oh look how nice y/ns being." Bonanus chuckled putting her hands on her hips. "Oh does y/n have a soft spot for Alatus." Menogias Sipped his tea and poured you a cup before waving you over. "I don't have a soft spot for him I'm just nicer to him because he's the youngest." You blew on your cup and slowly sipped it. "Wait so you go easy on him now I want to fight you without holding back." Bosacius laughed walking over to you and put one of his hands on top your head. "Bosacius no offense but you cannot handle me if I don't hold back." He laughed again.

"I remember the time y/n fought me with all of their power almost didn't survive." Indarias came out of the shadows and sat at another chair. "I remember that too we teemed up and still lost." Indarias and Menogias both shuttered at the memory of you standing above them with that lifeless glare of yours. "That was not my full power, the only time I used my full power was when I sparred with Morax and I still almost lost." You put your cup down and headed over to Alatus shaking his shoulders. "We need to get going." He nodded and the two of you teleported to Morax's Palace before bowing to the Archon. "There have been reports of a god causing trouble near qingce village go take care of it." You both nodded summoning your masks and teleported away. You walked two different ways and inspected every rock but with no sign of the god. "Have you found anything." You yelled for Alatus but he didn't respond. You ran over to where you sensed his energy. A loud boom shook and you saw Alatus in the air. You jumped and caught him (Bridal style) "You ok." You put him on the ground.

"I'm fine don't worry." You grabbed his arm and inspected the gash on his arm. "Oh no all hell is about to break loose." Xiao knew what was about to happen. Your eyes were lifeless and you walked towards the fire creature. You swung your spear aiming for its neck slicing it's head off with Cryo. "Don't ever touch him again." You walked away from the decaying creature and began wrapping Alatus's arm. "Are you hurt anywhere else." He shook his head no so you teleported back to Morax's palace. "It's done." He stood up and walked over to you. "Alatus you are dismissed." He gave you worried look before teleporting away. "Y/n your Karmic debt has increased significantly what is the reason."  You crossed your arms and put a hand on your chin. "I don't know Morax Iv been trying to figure this out for a while now." He sighed and dismissed you. 

"Y/n where are you." Xiao looked around in the rain before finally finding you. "Y/n what happened." he kneeled down and you smiled at him. "I'm fine don't worry Xiao just a flesh wound." You stood up but fell back down and coughed blood. "These damn corrupted creatures from that nation keep coming." You summoned your spear and so did Xiao, together you fought the corrupt creatures. A rift hound sliced your stomach making you yell in pain. "Your starting to piss me off." You released all the built up Cryo energy almost freezing the entire plane. You fell to your knees. "Y/N". Xiao ran over to you holding you in his arms. "Y/n please not you too." The rain seemed to fall harder the more he cried. "Hey it'll be ok." You brought your hand to his cheek wiping his cheek and smiled. You kissed his lips using all the energy left in your body before your vision went dimmer and dimmer until it finally went out and you fell limp in Xiao's arms. Xiao's eyes widened and he whimpered, his mouth a gap as tears ran down his face. Anemo energy started leaking from his mask as he yelled, a beam of bright blue light shooting into the sky. He silently cried holding you close to him.

"Please y/n I can't live without you." 

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