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Title: Oh great sevens                                                                                                                                                          Genre: Fighting fluff                                                                                                                                                              Pronouns: She/her                                                                                                                                                                Pairing: Morax x And a fucking god of a reader                                                                                                          Tw: Blood fighting and Archon suit Morax (A little sugestive)                                                                              Words:  918                                                                                                                                                                                weapon: Polearm                                                                                                                                                                  Vision: Your a god but BLUE FIRE

"Get her." You pointed your spear at Guizhong's neck and she gulped. "What is the purpose for doing this y/n" You shrugged your shoulder and raised your spear. "I will have order." You Dodged the meteor and smirked. "Morax it's been a while hasn't it." Your Cold blue aura battled his gold one as you eyes glared at each other. "Y/n what is the meaning of this." You smirked. "Your people tried raging War on Nataline that's why." You spun your spear igniting blue sparks and ran towards him he dodged most of your attack but a few came into contact with his skin. He sent you back and you chuckled wiping your cheek. "Oh my Morax I would've thought from the story's Barbatos told me you'd be much stronger." Blood trickled down your arm onto your hand and landed on the ground causing the blood to light for a moment. But when it did Morax's eyes widened. " Ah it seems you finally understand." you pulled out a pocket knife and stabbed it into your arm causing more blood. You grimaced a little at the pain but smiled as your arm caught fire. You engaged Morax in battle once again having the upper hand this time as everything your spear came in contact with was set ablaze that included his spear. 

"All though You are a goddess I'm sure soon enough even you will feel fatigued after loosing this much blood." You laughed. "I highly doubt that Morax." You went forward when a a loud boom shook the Ground knocking you into Morax. You thought he was going to throw you off him but instead he wrapped an arm around you so you wouldn't fall which made you shriek. "What the hell was that." You walked away from him and looked around but inside you were dying. "It seems the god of Vortex has a wife." You gave him a what the fuck look for you didn't understand what the hell he said. "*Sigh* Just stay with Guizhong." Before you could fight him on the matter he was already gone. "damnit Morax." You grabbed Guizhong's arm and dragged her away "Come on let's go."

"But I want to help." You turned around and glared at her, your gaze sent shivers down her spine. You dragged her as far away from the battle as you could but Hydro mimics blocked your way. "Let me do it your hurt-" "Shut it I don't need hep." You summoned your spear and set everything on fire but they wouldn't stop coming. "Damnit." You gritted your teeth unfortunately Morax was right you had lost to much blood and it was starting to affect your mental state and stamina. "Y/n behind you." You felt a spear go through your shoulder and fell to one knee. A stupid Mortal thought you were kidnapping Guizhong. Your Vision started turning red and your eyes were half lidded. "Fool... You Mortals' are all the same I swear." You stood up and turned around to a shaking human who was on the ground. "Y/n don't kill him." Guizhong grabbed your arm trying to stop you. "get off." you threw her off your arm and walked towards him as he stood up and ran. "You have nowhere to hid and no-one will help you." You laughed raising your spear and smiled. "Y/n don't kill him." You dropped your Polearm and looked behind you and Morax had his spear to the back of your neck. You closed your eyes and sighed. "If your going to kill me I suggest you do it now Morax." You smirked at him feeling your vision go blurry.

"Good you awake." You sat up from the bed and pulled the silk blanket off you. "I didn't ask for your help so why didn't you kill me." You stood up and walked to the door when he grabbed you hand and pinned it against the wall with his other hand on the side of your head. He whispered in your ear "And who gave you permission to leave huh." You must admit his deep voice made you feel weak in the knees and made butterfly's in your stomach. "I know how the Pyro Archon treats you so sign a contract with me sign ,yourself over to me and become mine." His amber eyes felt like they were piercing your soul. "You needn't worry abut anything for I would not do anything without your consent after all the foundation of any good contract is trust don't you agree." You nodded looking away from his eyes. "I'll sign the contract."

He smirked "Good girl." OH GREAT SEVENS THIS MAN WILL BE THE END OF YOU. "Now that that's been established may I kiss you." You nodded looking back at him as he closed the gap between you and him.  His lips moved against yours as his hand kept you against the wall and his other hand on your hip and massaged you. He separated from you and smirked at your ruined self. "My my aren't you needy." He latched onto your neck and moved up to your collar bone then nibbled on your ear as your hand wandered down his chest" You naughty naughty girl." 

                                               "When will you learn your actions have consequences."

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