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                                                                           Green headed sage

825+ Words.

Tw: Pills and alcohol 

"Al-Haitham we have a huge problem." Al-Haitham looked up from his book to see chaos. Your arm was flung over Dehya as you both wobbled back on forth and Kaveh standing on the side." What did you do Kaveh." He glared at his roommate as Kaveh threw his hands up in defense. "I didn't do anything this was all Dehya's idea." Al-Haitham sighed standing up from the couch and walked over to Dehya picking you up bridal style." What did you do."

"I thought y/n could use a break from their studies so I took them out to eat but may or may not have accidentally gotten them drunk." She laughed. He sighed again walking you to your bedroom, Taking off your boots and the hoodie that you stole from him that was way to big. "Hey mister leaf head are you single." he picked you up again laying you on your bed and pulling the blanket over you." No I'm not single." He sat on the edge of your bed looking at your cloudy eyes. "Oh that's a shame I'm sure whoever your dating is really lucky." He chuckled at your answer looking down at the floorboards. "I'm the lucky one really." 

You sat up looking at him, Face red from your intoxication." Who's the lucky person your dating." He patted your head, messing up your hair." You are love." You thought for a moment Before giggling." Yea right liked id ever be good enough for someone as hot as you, I mean I'm not good at anything but Alchemy and even then I still have my flaws." He frowned at your words, Before sliding his hand down to cup your cheek." Nobody's perfect y/n, not even me, but its what you do or what you show that makes you who you are, Not you looks or your voice, but your flaws You could be the most stupid person in all of Teyvat and I'd still love you." He kissed your forehead earning a giggle from you.

"I didn't understand most of that but I'll take you word for it." Your smile never fading from you face as he chuckled, bringing your head to his chest and pulling your hips towards him so you were completely in his lap. You kissed his cheek snuggling into his neck." I love you y/n." He looked down at you who had already fallen asleep. He laid down and pulled up the covers slowly falling asleep with you in his arms.

-------------De next day------------

"Al-Haitham." You whined peeking your head out of the door. He had dressed you in one of his oversized shirts and put you in a pair of your shorts. Your hangover was killing you with a pounding migraine. " Kaveh can you run to the market  for me real quick." You tossed him a bag of mora." I just need some acetaminophen and chocolate chips". You stretched you arms and went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. "Ok but why acetaminophen and not Tylenol and what's the chocolate chips for." You sighed getting ticked off by Kaveh's questions.

"First of all acetaminophen is smaller and easier to swallow then Tylenol, Second of all because I want chocolate chips, Third of all the longer you make me wait the more I feel like that knife over there would be a great wepon." Al-Haitham walked before Kaveh could push your buttons even further. " Al-Haitham your crazy S/o is trying to murder me." You chuckled as you washed your cup. " It isn't murder if they don't find you body." Kaveh ran out of the house whimpering deciding to just get you your things.

"Why are you like this." He chuckled Hugging your waist from behind, laying his head on your shoulder. " He asked to many questions." You whispered. You turned  to face him wrapping your arms around his neck bringing him down to your level, closing the gap between you and him. His hands squeezed your hips picking you up and placing you on the counter but Kaveh walked in before things got more heated." Don't you have a room." You turned around on the counter." Hey you moved in with us." 

"Whatever here."  He put you bag on the counter and ran to his room before he became traumatized. Grabbing the pill bottle you popped out to pills and grabbed you cup of water, swallowing the pills you grabbed your chocolate chips and began munching on them.



"Why not."

He sighed patting your head and went to the other side of the kitchen to grab a spoon from the drawer. "Here , so you don't make a mess." You took the spoon and continued eating like half the bag before he took it." Hey give that back It's mine."  He put them on the highest shelve."

"No your gonna get sick."

"Am not."

"Am too."

"Am not."

"Am too.

"Am not."

"Am too."




"SHUT UP KAVEH." You both yelled.

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