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Title: No more alcohol
Diluc x Fatui Reader
Pronouns: They/Them
Weapon :claymore
Vision/Delusion: geo

"Master Diluc there seems to be a problem at the tavern." Adeline walked into Diluc's office still holding her broom. "And why can't Charles deal with it." He put his pen down and stared at Adeline. " Charles says it's y/n." Diluc froze processing this new information. The last he heard from you was before you left Mondstadt.

_~_~_~_~At tho's tavern_~_~_~_~_~_~

"Charles can I have another bottle." You sat at the barstool staring at your empty mug. "Y/n you've already had like three bottles of everything." You sighed standing up placing a pouch of Mora on the table. "I thought I told you I had a high tolerance." You opened the door to be face to face with an angry Diluc. "Strawberry head how are you." Calling Diluc the most random fruits was the one thing that brought you joy in this cruel world. Diluc on the other hand was not amused. "I thought you became a harbinger." Diluc's gaze was colder then Kayae's vision. "Oh why so cold Diluc I thought you got over me." Your sly smirk never falling off your face. "Besides I resigned, it wasn't even that fun." You pushed pass Diluc walking into the cold wind of Mondstadt.

Walking away from the city gates you continued towards Wimdrise keeping your guard up. Fatui were often spotted around here. And the last thing you need right now since Dottere took your vision. "I know your following me." The Cryo and electro cician mages came up it of the bush they we'er hiding in. "If we kill you we can jump up a bunch of ranks." Both spawned their flys. Dodging their attacks the best you could you jumped in the air spawning your claymore and slammed it on the floor , erupting Geo spikes from the ground. "I guess they weren't lying when they said you didn't show mercy." You propped your claymore on your shoulder with your hand on your hip. "If you get into a fight and beg for mercy then why bother living." You attacked the electro one before throwing your weapon at Cryo one and engaged in hand to combat. The Cryo fly ran into your arm causing a gash that felt like it would freeze your entire body. "Damnit." You pulled your claymore out of the ground placing it on your shoulders and swung it shooting a hail of geo crystals, killing off the mages. You dropped you weapon into the ground and fell to your knees gasping for air. The energy from your delusion seemed to have backfired. Your body felt like it was on fire but also Freezing at the same time, not to mention the gash in your arm had become deeper. Once your breathing patterns returned to somewhat stable you used your claymore to push yourself off the ground once up you limped forward.

Adeline rushed to the door upon hearing the nock. She opened the door to a very bloodied y/n. "Oh my Barbatos what happened." She threw your arm over her shoulder and led you to the Guest Room. "This is nothing compared to the other things I've been through." She sat you on the bed and dressed your wounds. Once you looked like a mummy she left you to your thoughts (prolly about Diluc.). "Oh master Diluc I hope you don't mind but y/n came by she's currently severely injured and is resting in on the guest rooms." Diluc sighed and headed upstairs. "Sit down." Startled you turned around. He knew you were trying to escape before you even made it to the window. "Hi cherry head." You sat back down on the bed and patted the spot next to you. He took you offer and sat next to you.

After awhile of comfortable silence Diluc spoke up. "Why did you leave, and of all the times you could have left you chose the day I lost two people." He looked at his hands remembering his fathers death and how you let go of his hands.

(Bro got sacra's three betrayals in one day.

"I know how this will sound but I did it for cause my mother wanted me to." You placed your hand on his fiddling hands. "Stop playing with your hands you'll get more anxiety then you already have." You let go of his hands and stood up. "I should get going Diluc I know how much it hurts you to have to see me." Diluc put his arms around your waist. "Don't go yet." You could swear he was crying. You turned around in his embrace and cuddled into his arms. "I'm sorry Diluc." You knocked him out and let him fall to the floor. Kneeling down you pushed his fiery red bangs out of his face before kissing his forehead. "I love you Diluc." You left dawn winery and never returned.

Or that was supposed to happen, and yet here you are in Diluc's bed barren of all clothes. "Diluc." You nudged his arm, he stirred awake blinking his eyes and looked at you and smiled. "As pretty as your smile is I need clothes." You plucked his head and sat up pushing your hair out of your face. Diluc also sat up but he got out of bed grabbing his pant off the floor. He went to his closet and grabbed a shirt and threw it at you. "You can wear that for now."
He got dressed and went downstairs to get you food.

"Dammit Barbatos I never should have gone drinking with you"

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