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Title: Panic room                                                                                                                                                                    Genre: Fluff                                                                                                                                                                              Pairing: Xiao x Reader with anxiety                                                                                                                                 Wepon: Sword                                                                                                                                                                         Vision: Pyro                                                                                                                                                                               Pronouns: The/them                                                                                                                                                             Words: 732                                                                                                                                                                       \\    Tw: Panic attack symptoms mentions of suicide                                                                                                    (WARNING: This story is written from my perspective as I have horrible anxiety attacks so read at your own risk)

You walked through the Domain Making sure not to spare a single monster as you went. "Weird I thought I was going the right way." The rooms and walls seemed like they were constantly changing as you went. You noticed your breathing was starting to speed up so you decided to get out of there as fast you could. But it seemed that no matter how fast you moved the domain was faster. 

"What if you don't get out."

"What if you die in here."

"What if we don't see Xiao again."

"He probably doesn't even care about us."

"He wouldn't even care if we died."

"You wouldn't care if you died."

"SHUT UP." You leaned against the wall trying to shut up the voices in your head. You slowly slid down the wall with your head in your hands. You vision became blurry from all the tears you were crying, and your breathing was becoming uneven from the thick air around you. "NO NO NO NO SHUT UP." You clawed at your face almost causing blood. You felt like you were in a box and it was slowly closing, like the box was going to leave you in the dark so your Anxiety would consume you. "Why are you even alive no one cares for you." The voices became louder and louder till you could barley hear your self. "Please stop." It was like you pleads fell on def ears as the voices never seemed to let up and continued to make you feel like shit.

"No one loves you." You curled yourself into a ball, sobbing into your knees barley breathing. "xiao." You continued to cry when he didn't show, your lips began turning a dark blue from your lack of oxygen. "You called." Xiao's tone turned much softer and his eyes widened at the state you were in. You were on the floor with your knees to your chest crying and hyperventilating.

Xiao's hands were balled into fist and his teeth were clenched, his eyes seemed cloudy and it was as if his pupils were vibrating  from his state of anger. "Who did this to you." His voice was filled with anger but his voice was barley above a whisper. " Y/n answer me." He raised his voice but felt bad as noticed you flinched. He kneeled down picking you up and setting you in his lap, letting your head rest on his knee as you cried. "I'm sorry I know how busy you are." He brought your head to his neck and picked you up. "Don't be I'm glad you called me." He teleported you out of the domain and into his room at Wangshu inn. He sat you on the bed and left to grab you a glass of water. "here drink slowly." He rubbed your back trying to calm your breathing and get you to breath normally. "Is this the mortal version of Karmic debt." You shrugged your shoulders taking small sips of water. He sat next to you taking the glass out of your hands And wrapped his arms around you laying down in the bed. "I'll stay with you but I need you to calm down ok." You nodded trying to slow your breathing down. You cuddled into his chest breathing in his scent. He always smelled so good like Qingxin flowers and a fresh breeze. "you know I love you right and I'll do anything for and I mean anything." he kissed the top of your head while rubbing your back in circular motions. "Your the first person who's ever gotten this close to me and who's made me fell this way like I'm wanted." He tilted you head up with his thumb and wiped away your tears before laying a little kiss on your nose. Your face heated up a bit and a small smile found it's way onto your features. "There's the smile I love so much." Xiao kissed your cheek then your temple then you forehead and last your lips. "So I have a little panic and you become affectionate."

He smiled a little and cuddled you closer. "Of course because I love you."   

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