✰~Chapter 3: "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" ~✰

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"Ohhh Nanami!~" I hear Kazuichi walk in the room and over to my desk.

"Hm? What's up, Soda?" I ask, not taking my eyes off my game exactly like before when we didn't know who Sonia was, jeez I wish I could go back in time again and again so I'd never have to have the displeasure of meeting her.

"So uhm.. I heard from Miss Sonia-" Kazuichi began.

"Miss Sonia? Is that seriously what your calling her?" I quickly interrupt him.

"Erm.. I guess..?" He awkwardly chuckled then continued "Miss Sonia said you were really rude and in the end didn't even bother to introduce yourself.. Is this true?"

This would be the perfect opportunity to ruin Sonia's reputation and quickly, nobody likes a princess who outright lies, right?

"Uhm, no? I introduced myself to Nevermind but she brushed me off and told me to stay in here.." I glance back up at him, to make sure he believes my lie.

"Uh no! That's a lie!" I hear another familiar voice, walking over towards me.

"M-Miss Sonia!? I thought I told you to stay outside and eat your lunch while I handled this!" Kazuichi paniced.

"You did, but I wanted to hear what Miss Ultimate LIAR was going to say!" Sonia slammed her hand on my desk in anger, causing me to loose my game.

"Hey!? What the hell!? You just made me loose my game!"

"Maybe that's what you deserve, for being so rude!"

"Are you kidding me right now!? Jeez would you like me to knot up your hair, I mean that's what it feels like to me when I loose a game!"

"H-hey why don't we all just-?" Kazuichi butted in as an attempt to stop our fight.

"Shut up Soda!" We both said you unison.

"Hey don't copy me!" I yelled.

"Copy you!? You copied me!"

"Stop it both of you!" We heard Miss Yukizome say from across the classroom. "I want you both in my office. NOW!"

"But we didn't even physically-!" Sonia began.

"NOW." Miss Yukizome glared at us.

"Yes Miss Yukizome." We once again said unison as we followed behind her to her office.

I hate royalty! (Soniaki)Where stories live. Discover now