✰~Chapter 12: Hinata!~✰

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I haven't updated like ANY of my books in a while so uhm, here!

I'm going to try be more active since school holidays are like- starting today for me so hopefully that'll give me some more time to write.

Mobile wattpad is also currently being an asshole and I like always have writers block so please forgive me!!

This chapter is also VERY short because I rlly want to try update most of my books and also start a new (which may or may not be the best idea).

"Are you deaf or just stupid? I said shut. Up." I growled angrily as I stood up.

"Nanami, calm down! I'll handle this!" Sonia whispered to me in a panic.

I ignored Sonia and glared at the security guard in front of us in anger, no way was this asshole going to beat up Hinata AND get away with it!

"I challenge you to a game of Street Fighter!" I yelled, whilst pointing at him.

The guy seemed really confused, and I could tell Sonia was too but Hinata just sat there staring in disbelief at me.

".. What?" The security guard fixed his posture, clearly still confused.

"Yes! I challenge you to 1v1 Street Fighter! Just you and me! Right here, right now!" I yelled once more, quickly grabbing my gameboy.

"Look kid, I have no idea what you're talking about... Why don't you just go to class and forget about this Reserve Course?" The security guard sighed before walking off.

"H-hey! Come back here!" I yelled, attempting to run after him before Sonia pulled me back.

"He's not worth it, Nanami... We should Hinata to the nurse... Do you know where the Reserve Course nurse is?" Sonia sighed as she let go of my arm.

"No, I don't..." I looked over at Hinata only to realise he's unconscious. "Hinata!"

I quickly ran over to him before Sonia ran off to find help.


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