✰~Chapter 6: Detention~✰

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*Ding, dong, bing, bong, ding, ding, dong*

The bell had finally rang, everyone got up to leave to go home or go to their clubs, but me and Sonia were getting up just to go to detention.

"Nanami, do you know where detention is?" Sonia asked as she began walking next to me.

"Mhm.." I mumbled, starting up a new videogame.

"You don't have to be so rude, y'know?" Sonia crossed her arms as we walked.

"You don't have to speak to me, but here we are.." I said, still not taking my eyes off my game.

"Maybe that video game is what's making you be so rude!" Sonia exclaimed.

"How would that even work..?" I mumbled once more.

We entered the classroom and sat down, for some reason Sonia decided to sit next to me.

"Why're you sitting next to me..?" I mumbled.

"It's not because I want to be your friend..! It's just there'd be nothing else to do so I'm just watching you play your videogames..!" Sonia seemed so flustered.. Jeez what a tsundere.

"M'kay.." I shrugged and continued playing my videogame.

"Chiaki Nanami! Get off your device before I remove it from you by force!" I glanced up to see a teacher, so I put my gameboy in my bag.

Sonia sighed, and turned her attention to the front of the class.

I slumped down in my chair, and slowly but surely fell asleep..

~Timeskip brought to you by Chiaki's gameboy~

"Nanami..? Nanami..? Nanami..! Nanami..! Wake up..!" I hear a voice call me, so I open my eyes.

"Oh Nevermind..?" I yawned and rubbed my eyes.

"Please just call me Sonia." She said. "Anyways, I woke you up to say detention is over, so we can go home now."

"Alright.." I yawned once more.

"Seems to me like you don't get enough sleep."

"Ehh, I guess.."

"Alright then, I'm gonna go now.."



Sonia turned around and brang her full attention to me.

"I just wanna apologize for the way I acted today.." I looked into her eyes, to show her I was being sincere.

She smiled.

"I forgive you."

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