☆~Chapter 10: Woke up, no Sonia!~☆

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I woke up once again in Sonia's bed, but this time the morning light shone through the curtains.. What time was it..?

I looked beside me to see Sonia wasn't there, I looked on the bedside table to see a clock..

11am!? I was late for school! Why didn't Sonia wake me up!? I had fallen asleep so I didn't know my way to school, and my phone was probably dead so I couldn't go to school even if I tried!

I sighed, getting up and walking over to the window, opening the curtains.. Maybe there was something I could do to say thanks.. Thanks!? Why would I thank a princess!? A selfish, rude, horrible princess! That's what Sonia was!

But.. She was so nice.. And.. She helped me so much already.. Maybe I could.. Build up her trust, become her 'friend' before crushing her with the worse news of how I was never her friend! Yeah, then that way I'd feel better about doing this.

I went back to Sonia's bed and neatly made it, the covers were so soft I almost fell asleep once more.. But for the sake of being kind to Sonia, I forced myself to stay awake.

I looked around for my uniform and bag, to see it had been put on a chair, my uniform folded nicely.

I reached into my bag for my gameboy, hopefully it wasn't dead.. I turned on my gameboy to see it was alive! Oh my sweet gameboy wasn't dead!

I sat down on Sonia's bed, and decided to play some Mario Kart.. Maybe Sonia would come back during lunch..

~Timeskip brought to you by Sonia's kingdom~

I had been playing Mario Kart for almost an hour now and it had begun to become boring, I would've played another game, but I'd probably hop around the room as I tried to win.

Then all of a sudden, I heard to door open! I turned off my gameboy and looked behind me to see Sonia.

"Oh, Nanami you're awake!" Sonia smiled warmly at me. "How was your sleep?"

"Oh it was fine.." I said in my usual monotone as Sonia came and sat down next to me.

"When did you wake up?" Sonia asked me as she fiddled with the bracelet on her wrist.

"Oh.. An hour ago.. I think.. I would've come to school, but my phones dead and I didn't know the directions from your house to the school." I smiled slightly in a nervous manner.

"Oh! Sorry about that! Would you like to come back to school? I mostly came back to check that you were alright." Sonia smiled as she got up and offered her hand out to me.

".. Sure." I hesitantly took her hand and stood up. "I'll go get into my uniform."

"Alright! I'll wait in here!"

I walked over and grabbed my uniform before walking into Sonia's bathroom to change.

I wondered what excuse she made as to why I wasn't at school.. Maybe.. I had passed out on my way to class? I got into a major car accident? She didn't know? What if.. She told them about my brother and what had happened last night!? No.. I was being stupid, she is too kind of a princess to do something like that.

I walked out of the bathroom after I had changed to see Sonia waiting patiently.

"I'm ready." I said softly as I grabbed my bag and put my gameboy inside.

"Great! Let's go put our shoes on and then we can go!" Sonia almost sang cheerfully.

I giggled softly as I followed her over to the entrance.

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