✰~Chapter 11: Outside the school, fighting~✰

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Sorry it's been so long, I've been updating my other books!!

Speaking of, I have another Soniaki book if you guys would like to go read it!!

It's called the princess and the streamer, if you guys would want to go read it.

Also this Chiaki figure is so cute oml.

Anyways, happy reading. <3

Me and Sonia began to make our way to school in silence, Sonia humming softly as I looked around, trying to make sure I remembered all the streets just in case another situation similar to this happened again.

"Isn't it nice?" Sonia suddenly said with a soft smile.

"Isn't what nice?" I asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion as we turned the corner.

"You and me walking to school together! I've never walked to school with a classmate before, so this is absolutely wonderful! Well, to me atleast."

"If I may ask, what was your old school like? Or were you home schooled?"

"I did go to a school, but just not a public one, I was private schooled. My parents didn't want me to attend public school but they wanted me to have a social life, but it runs out that also totally backfired on them as well." Sonia giggled as I felt a small pit of concern grow for Sonia.

"Huh? What do you mean by that? Oh, sorry I probably shouldn't ask that."

"It's fine, I'll probably respond to it another time... Oh, we're at school now!"

I looked up to see Hope's Peak Academy standing proud and tall right in front of me, but I noticed something out of the corner of my eye, so I quickly thanked Sonia before running over to see Hajime on the ground and security guard basically kicking him around!

"Hinata! Oh my god!" I screamed as I ran over and knelt beside Hajime to make sure he was okay after the security guard backed up a bit.

"Nanami..? Oh thank god you're okay, I was worried since yesterday you didn't show up to hang out." Hajime slightly chuckled weakly.

"Now's not the time to be laughing! Are you okay?" I asked in a tone of concern as I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"He's fine, he'll live." the security guard scoffed, I felt a pit of fury light up from inside of me. God that man was so infuriating! I wanted to get up and beat him up but he'd probably beat me up and leave me weak on the floor like Hajime. I was about to scream before I heard Sonia's voice.

"How dare you! How would Headmaster Kirigiri feel if he heard about you mistreating the Reserve Course students just because they wanted to know if their friend was alright? How would Headmaster Kirigiri feel if he heard that he'd hired someone who almost SEVERELY injured a student? If I was Headmaster Kirigiri, I'd sure feel horrible!" Sonia seemed angry as she shouted at the security guard.

"I- I'm sorry, Princess Nevermind! Please find it in your heart to forgive me! .. That's what you wanted to hear, right?" the security guard snarled at Sonia nastily. "All you kids are the same, the ultimate's are stuck up little brats who think they deserve anything and everything they want, and don't get me started on the Reserve Course-"

"Shut up." I suddenly said, not believing my own words.

"I beg your pardon?" The security guard scoffed once more.

"Are you deaf or just stupid? I said, shut. Up." I began to stand up, ready to punch this guy in the face.

I hate royalty! (Soniaki)Where stories live. Discover now