☆~Chapter 9: Brother..~☆

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TW: References to sa, sexual abuse, gentle, etc.
If you don't feel confident with those types of things I recommend you skip this chapter or don't read this book altogether.
This is just my AU.

I slowly opened my eyes, it was still dark out.. I was still so tired, I yearned to go back to sleep.. But for some reason I couldn't, Sonia was on the other side of the bed, so I should be fine, right? Maybe I should just go have a walk and then I'll be able to go back to sleep..

I got out of Sonia's lovely bed, and slipped some socks on before grabbing my jacket that I wore underneath my uniform and slipping out of Sonia's room. I checked my pockets and my phone was there, so I pulled it out and put the flashlight on before walking around.

The place was huge! It was stunning, I bet it would look amazing in the daytime! But at the moment it was night, but yet it felt so eerie and.. Creepy..

I walked around, looking for the exit before seeing a strange figure, I quickly hid behind a nearby table, I had to be cautious just in case.. The figure was tall, it was just looking around and admiring the place with a flashlight.. What were they doing?

"I can see you." The figure said, turning to where I was hiding but still staying in place. "Come out of hiding."

I stayed silent, there was no way they had seen me! It was super dark and the didn't even have their flashlight pointing at me! And my flashlight? Facing the floor.

"I'm not going to say it again, you should come out of hiding before I start to get violent." The figure spoke once more, frightening me with their threat.

I hesitantly stood up and stood beside the table with my phone, trembling.

"That's a good girl, Chiaki~" The figure began to step forward as I began to step back.

"D-don't come any closer!" I managed to splutter out in fear.

"Aww~ but wouldn't little Chiaki like to see her big brother?~" The figure spoke in a voice I didn't know how to describe, but it sounded like the way an adult would talk to child if they weren't taking the kid seriously.

"ST-STAY AWAY!" I screamed, hoping it was loud enough that Sonia could hear.

"Aww but Aki-chan~ the funs only just begun!~" eventually my back hit the wall as the figure pinned me to it.

I could hear myself hyperventilating, I could feel tears running down my face as I sobbed loudly and controllably.. They was until I heard footsteps running over.. The figure looked behind themselves to see Sonia standing there, with guards.

"W-what the h-hell!?" The figure yelled before he began to scream in my face, where his face looked more visible, and I recognized him. "Aki-chan, don't tell me you'd be such a bitch to your big brother!?"

It was my brother, Yuqi.. He.. He play 'gentle' with me..

"Guards, remove him!" Sonia yelled angrily.

The guards quickly ripped Yuqi off of me as I slid to the ground, sobbing as Yuqi screamed while being escorted out and Sonia ran over to comfort me.

"Shh~ it's okay, Nanami.. It will all be okay." Sonia slowly wrapped her arms around me and pulled me in close.. I felt so weak, I was crying infront of the girl that I considered my enemy, but yet she treated me like a friend..

I cried in her arms for what felt like years until my eyelids began to feel heavy and I began to drift off..

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