☆~Chapter 17: i vision of my nails in the kitchen~☆

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I quickly stopped myself from admiring Sonia any further, I was pushing myself to think about things that I shouldn't. She wasn't pretty. She just wanted me to think that.

I grabbed my gameboy and began to play my game again, and before I knew it, the clock had struck 3:30pm. I stopped playing my gameboy and looked at Sonia as the bell sounded.

Sonia was still reading her book, and she looked so interested and immersed in her book, I almost didn't want to disturb her, but alas, I had to.

I tapped Sonia's shoulder. She glanced up at me with a smile, bookmarking the page she was on before closing her book.

"What can I do for you, Nanami?" Sonia smiled brightly as she put her book in her bag.

"The bell rang... Aren't you gonna go..?" I asked, turning away from her as I yawned.

"Well, I don't want you to get lonely... So I'll leave when Komaeda gets here!" Sonia replied enthusiastically, I nodded, feeling awkward.

Then, as if right on cue, Komaeda walked in and looked at me and Sonia with a smile.

"Good afternoon, Nanami and Sonia." Nagito bowed to show his respects to us.

I stared at him before sighing whilst Sonia laughed.

"Oh, Komaeda! You don't have to be so formal and polite!" Sonia smiled as I nodded in agreement.

"Ah, my apologies..." Komaeda chuckled nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Sonia began to stand up, putting her bag on her shoulder.

"Well, it was nice seeing you two! But I'm afraid I have to go now! I have club activities to attend to!" Sonia grinned enthusiastically. "Bye Nanami, bye Komaeda!"

Sonia waved as she walked out, closing the door behind her as I began to stand up.

"Tsumiki? Tsumiki, I'm here!" Komaeda called out, crossing his arms as we heard footsteps running towards us.

Tsumiki came running around the corner, falling over.

"N-no-! I-I am s-s-so sorry!" Tsumiki began to sob as me and Komaeda helped her up.

"It's okay, Tsumiki. Mistakes happen sometimes, and that's okay!" I smiled at Tsumiki, wiping away her tears with a handkerchief.

Tsumiki sniffled as she calmed down, leading us to where Hinata was. She quickly left, giving us alone time with him.

Hinata began to slowly wake up, the bright light blinding his vision, so I turned off the light.

"W-whats going on..? Where am I..?" Hinata slowly opened his eyes as he slowly sat up with the help of Komaeda.

"You're in the medical wing of the practice for Ultimate Medcare Students." I informed him, crossing my arms.

I watched Hinata's eyes widen as he looked between me and Komaeda, Komaeda nodded at him with a sigh, signifying that I did infact know that they were dating.

"Nanami, I'm so sorry!" Hinata began before I quickly interrupted him.

"Save it for later, I want to talk to both you and Komaeda together in private. Here is not the place to be having private conversations, plus you got beaten up really bad, so I want to wait until you feel better." I said with a sigh.

Hinata smiled, looking like he'd been hit with a wave of slight relief.

"Orginally, Nanami was supposed to take you home since she was the only one who knew the way, but she isn't strong enough. That's where I come in!" Komaeda grinned as Hinata chuckled.

I smiled slightly as Komaeda lifted Hinata up onto his back.

"Is he heavy?" I asked, picking up Hinata's bag, which was at the end of the bed.

"Nope!" Komaeda smiled. "Now lead the way, oh almighty, great wizard Nanami!"

I giggled as I opened the door and led them out of the Ultimate Medcare wing.

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