☆~Chapter 18: lana rey will you serve me lemonade~☆

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We began walking back, all chatting to each other in a friendly manner, Hinata seemed sort of tired, yet he insisted he'd go to sleep once he got home.

This clearly frustrated Komaeda, but it seemed he let it slide... For now, at least.

I wondered if Hinata knew what Komaeda had done, you know... Almost exploding the entire gym so we could all be happy... So I decided to bring it up.

"Hey, Hinata..." I began with a yawn, earning both Hinata and Komaeda's attention.

"Hm? What is it, Nanami?" Hinata tilted his head for the side in curiosity.

"Did Komaeda tell you some of the stuff he's done? You know, to make the whole class feel cheerful and full of hope?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

".. What do you mean by that..?" Hinata's voice seemed very confused as he tried to look at Komaeda's face, even though he was on Komaeda's back.

Komaeda stayed silent, beginning to sweat, and his facial expression screamed at me not to answer him or speak any more about it, but didn't Hinata deserve to know?

"What do you mean by that!?" Hinata repeated himself, raising his voice ever so slightly.

"I, uhm..." I started before going quiet. "I think this is for Komaeda to answer..." I ended with an awkward cough.

"Komaeda? What is Nanami talking about!?" Hinata seemed extremely frustrated that we weren't telling him anything.

"Hinata, I uhm... Look, I'll tell you later, okay? I don't feel ready to talk about it quite yet..." Komaeda sighed, ending the discussion.

We continued walking in silence until we reached Hinata's house.

"We're here." I mumbled, but it was still audible to the two.

I reached into Hinata's bag and grabbed his house keg to unlock the door, but I couldn't find it as we reached the front door.

"Hey, Hinata, your keys are in here, right?" I asked as I looked up at him, and he responded with raising an eyebrow.

"Of course it is. Why wouldn't it be? My parents are always working so I'd need a house key... Wait... Don't tell me I've lost it!" Hinata began to panic, Komaeda trying to calm him down.

I didn't want to dig through his belongings. That seemed impolite, so I checked underneath the mat to see if maybe they had spare keys. None underneath the mat, so I checked the flower pots, none there, I checked through the garden, and yet... None there.

"It's okay, Hinata! You can stay at my house." I smiled, hoping that'd help soothe Hinata's panic.

"But that'd be a problem, I'd have to be there as well." Komaeda sighed.

"Oh, I see." I looked down at the floor trying to think of something as I looked through the facts.

Komaeda would have to be there to help carry Hinata around... But I wouldn't mind having both of them over.

"I don't mind having both of you over." I shrugged as I stated my sentence bluntly.

"Alright then, I'm fine with that." Komaeda nodded. "But we should head to my house first, and on our way, he can call and tell your parents, Hinata."

Hinata nodded, seemingly calmer as he smiled gently.

I then began to follow Komaeda out of Hinata's street and away to where Komaeda was leading us.

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