☆~Chapter 7: Back to square one~☆

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I lazily stood up out of the chair, but I stood up too quickly.. I started to get super dizzy and..


•~Timeskip brought to you by Sonia's slayness (idk)~•

I suddenly woke up in an unfamiliar room.. Where was I..?

The room was pink and filled with beautiful yet expensive looking items, the bedsheets were white with pink floral patterns all over it, lace was neatly sewn around the bedding and looked to be everywhere where there was fabric, it looked fit for a princess.. Wait.. Princess.. Ultimate Princess.. Sonia!? I guess I must've passed out when I stood up, but why did she take me to her house..?

I quickly got up out of the bed but made it as nicely as possible, though the bed was amazingly comfortable I knew I'd have to get up, and I didn't want to be seen as a dozzy bitch. I walked over to the door and opened the door to see Sonia, I guess she was about to check on me, and I must've frightened her as she fell to the ground.

"Are you alright..?" I asked, holding my hand out to help her up.. Wait, why was I helping a good-for-nothing princess? Why did I apologize to her earlier? I quickly swiped my hand back as Sonia went to grab it.

"I'm fine, the real question is if you're okay?" Sonia sighed as she stood up and got off the floor.

"I'm fine. Why did you bring me to your house?" I asked in a monotone, and crossing my arms.

"Ah, it was 5:30 so the school was nearing it's closing time so I thought the next best thing was to bring you to my house since I didn't know your address." Sonia smiled sweetly.

After seeing that smile, I wanted to puke, what did she think I was? Stupid? Certainly not, I knew what she was doing and I wasn't going to stand aside and let it happen! I have to think of a new plan tomorrow since ruining her reputation certainly won't work.. What if her perfect little goody princess image was replaced with a more horrid, fitting image? Yes, that was a perfect plan!

"Hey, are you okay? You look pretty deep in thought." Sonia waved her hand in front of my face, drowning out my thoughts.

"I'm fine, I'm going to get going now-" I began before I was interrupted by Sonia.

"I don't think it's safe enough for you to go out right now, it's pretty dark.." Sonia pulled me towards a nearby window to show me how dark it was outside. IT WAS PITCH BLACK!?

"What time is it!?" I asked in a panic, turning towards Sonia.

"About half past eight, why?" Sonia tilted her head.

"English please!"

Sonia raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Digital time!?" I asked, more panicked than before.



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