☆~Chapter 4: Explanations~☆

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We sat down in Miss Yukizome's office.

It was obvious that Sonia was nervous, I mean I guess I would be too if it was my first day..

"Chiaki Nanami, you're our class rep and it's Sonia's first day here! What were you thinking!?" Miss Yukizome paced back and forth.

"Yes, I know Miss Yukizome, I just let my emotions get in the way of things." I acted calm but on the inside I was actually kind of nervous.

"Let your emotions get in the way? There is in NO way, a reason why you should be rude to our new student."

"Yes Miss Yukizome, I know and understand that."

"Then why did you start trying to spread rumors about Sonia?"

"I'm not sure, Miss Yukizome." I could feel my heart speed up.

I could feel the tension between us heating up and smoking all across the room like the smoke from a cigarette.

"If you weren't sure you wouldn't have done it and you wouldn't be sitting in my office right now."

"Yes Miss Yukizome, I know. I shouldn't act out on my feelings without thinking them through."

I suddenly felt the tension between us ease.

"Alright then.. Sonia Nevermind, why'd you slam your hand on Chiaki's desk?" Miss Yukizome ask as she turned to Sonia.

"I didn't realize it would make her loose her game, Miss Yukizome." Sonia quickly and calmly replied.

"But as the Ultimate Princess you have promised both to your people and others that you will try see everything from their point of view, yes?"

"You're correct, Miss Yukizome."

"You very clearly weren't thinking about what Chiaki was thinking when you tried to speak with her, what do you say to that?"

Sonia suddenly turned to me and gently put her hand on top of mine.

"Apologies for not listening to you at first, I should've thought about what you were feeling before I went and acted off my emotions."

I didn't respond.

"Great, now as punishment you both have detention after school today, alright?"

"Yes Miss Yukizome." The two of us said in unison.

"Good, off you girls go now."

I quickly got up out of my chair and darted towards the classroom.

I knew Sonia was going to try talk to me but that was NOT gonna happen.

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