✰~Chapter 5: Give her a chance! ~✰

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I quickly walked over to the Reserve Course building, I knew I was late, but Hajime wouldn't mind.

"Hey Nanami!" I heard Hajime yell happily.

"Hey Hinata." I smiled softly as I sat down on a bench next to him.

"I heard you got a new student?" He asks as he opens his bento.

"Ugh, please don't remind me.." I say picking at my bento with my chopsticks.

"Why? Is something wrong?"

"Kinda.. She's the Ultimate Princess."

"I don't get how that's bad..? I mean, she has an ultimate and all that so I don't get why you're upset."

"Hinata, don't try put yourself down, with or without and ultimate you're still an amazing person."

He softly smiled.

"But she's bad news because I don't like royalty.." It was the first time I had ever admitted something like that.

"You don't like royalty?"

"Yeah, it's stupid I know-"

"No it's not stupid, I see where you're coming from."

"Huh? How?"

"Did you seriously forget!? We grew up in the same village, Nanami!"

"And yet we still call each other by our last names?"

We both giggle.

"Yep! But I still think you should give her a chance, y'know?"

"Ah.. About that.."

"Nanami, what did you do!?"

"I already tried ruining her reputation.."

"Seriously? You're acting like that Ayano girl from that Yandere school game."

I giggle.

"I guess so, but we both have detention and I think she doesn't like me already.."

"That's it!"


"You have detention with her after school today, right?"

"Uhh yeah why? Ohhh wait I get it now, thanks Hinata!"

He chuckled.

"No problem, Nanami."

I hate royalty! (Soniaki)Where stories live. Discover now