☆~Chapter 8: Tired..~☆

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It seems Sonia noticed my panic as she placed her hand on my shoulder lightly.

"Is everything alright, Nanami?" Sonia asked in that sickeningly sweet voice of hers, it was as if she actually cared, which I knew was Ultimate bullshit.

"I need to get home-" I tried to leave before Sonia quickly blocked my path everytime I tried to get past her. "What're you doing? Let me through!"

"It's late and it could be dangerous! Just wait until daylight!" Sonia said loudly.

I finally calmed down and gave up, I guess she was right in a way..

"Fine.." I sighed.

"If you don't mind me asking.. Why were you so set on leaving..?" Sonia asked, raising an eyebrow.

".. I don't want to talk about it.." I sighed once more before yawning. "I'm feeling kind of sleepy.. Where should I sleep..?"

"Oh! You can sleep in my bed! It's big enough for almost four people! So it should fit the two of us just fine!" Sonia smiled sweetly.

I raised my eyebrows in surprise before realizing that we'd probably not get that close so I'd be fine.. All I'd have to do was wear socks and then it wouldn't be gay.

"Oh! That reminds me!" Sonia suddenly said, rushing out of her room before returning again with some pajamas. "There's a bathroom right through that door, if you want to get out of your uniform!"

"Oh uhm, thank you." I took the pajamas from her before going into the bathroom and changing.. The only thing that was missing from my uniform was my shoes and my jacket, otherwise everything else was there.

The pajamas were soft and silky.. I felt like I could just fall asleep right then and there.. And on top of that.. They were nice and warm! I couldn't help but take my socks off, I'd just ask if Sonia had any fuzzy ones.. Yes it was rude but she was a PRINCESS for God's sake.

I yawned before walking out of the bathroom only to be overcome by tiredness, I felt my body fall before I felt somebody catch me.. I couldn't tell who it was but I could kind of tell that it was Sonia.. However the last thing I felt before drifting off was being put in a nice, soft bed and being kissed on the forehead..

Wait what.

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