✰~Chapter 2: Don't talk to me!~✰

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"Hi there!" I hear from above me.

I quickly glance up, only to look back down.

It's the new student, Sonia Nevermind.

"Hey? Are you going to talk to me or just ignore me?" I hear Sonia ask.

"Listen, I don't want to talk to you." I say as monotoned as possible, not breaking eye contact with my game.

"That's a rather rude way to speak to someone!" 

"That's rich coming from the Ultimate Princess."

"What do you mean by that!? All I'm doing is trying to speak with you in order to find out who you are and if you'd like to be friends!"

"Look Sonia, I know you're putting on an act.. Just give it up already."

Sonia scoffed.

"Fine if you want it that way, you can have it that way!"

And with that she stormed off.

Seems like I've blown over her act of deceit already! Now all I need to do is convince the others.. Which will DEFINETLY be hard work since they ALL like her in such a short amount of time. 

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