☆~Chapter 19: and I said yes Bill I will~☆

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So... It's been a while...

Before I start this chapter, I apologies 4 not uploading 4 so long, My Stalker has had sm of my attention and like the dumb dumb I am I keep making new stories instead of finishing the ones I already have.

Because of that, this book will be on an indefinite hiatus. Feel free to explore any more of my works.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Me, Komaeda, and Hinata walked to my house (well, technically Komaeda carried Hinata to my house). We all chatted the whole way there, but Hinata still seemed a bit tired, and like he'd fall asleep any minute now.

"Hinata, you should go to sleep..." I mumbled before yawning.

"You should take your own advice." Komaeda chuckled, Hinata chuckled alongside him.

"Maybe, but Hinata is hurt." I looked at Hinata with a worried look.

"I'll go to sleep once we get to your place." Hinata said with a soft smile, attempting to reassure me.

"Alright..." I sighed before we made it to my house.

I grabbed my house keys from my pocket, unlocking the door. I opened the door and led Hinata and Komaeda inside. The house was quite cozy (in mine and many others opinions), it sort of fitted the hippy vibe.

"I'm home!" I called out as I took my shoes off, gesturing for Komaeda and Hinata to do the same.

Like always, nobody called back out to me saying: 'Hello Chiaki, I'm so glad you're home!'

"Nobody's home..." Komaeda mumbled as he took his shoes off, his tone full of worry and wonder as he thought I couldn't hear him. I pretended not to hear him.

I helped Hinata take his shoes off before leading the two to my bright pink bedroom. I loved my bedroom, it was my happy place! I could have all these cute figurines, video games, etc and nobody could get mad at me, because I was just being me!

Komaeda put Hinata down on my pink gaming chair in front of my pink gaming computer, Komaeda sat on my strawberry couch, and I sat down in my strawberry beanbag with my favorite care bears plushie on my lap.

"This is like a sleepover." Komaeda chuckled.

"I suppose so, but Hinata, you need to rest." I sighed, frowning at Hinata.

"I'll be okay." Hinata would smile softly at me.

"... Fine." I huffed in slight annoyance.

We all sat there for a while, chatting about random things... School, annoying teachers, different life experiences we'd had, the cartoons we watched growing up, etc. But then Hinata gave Komaeda a smirk.

"... What's that smirk for?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "You guys aren't about to make out right in front of me, are you..?"

"No, no! Nothing like that!" Komaeda laughed.

"More like... Who was that girl walking with you?" Hinata's smirk widened as he spoke to me.

I felt my cheeks flush a bright pink, why were they asking about Sonia? What did they think of her? Did they think she was pretty in the way I thought she was pretty? Did they think she was kind? Why was I worrying about all this? Why was I blushing while thinking of Sonia?

"Oooo!~ I think someone has a crush!" Komaeda spoke in a teasing tone, like how an older brother teases his little sister for her crush on his best friend or something.

"N- No! I don't!" I exclaimed, my cheeks still bright red as I did my best to deny it.

My heart raced what felt like a thousand miles per hour, I thought I was going to pass out any minute now because of how red I was and how fast my heart was going. Memories of Sonia flooded my brain, she was just so damn gorgeous!

And that's when I realized it...

As much as I didn't want it, as much as I wanted to deny it...

I had a crush on Sonia.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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