☆~Chapter 13: Get better Hinata!~☆

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I tried to shake Hinata awake whilst Sonia was away in an attempt to get help, I rested his head on my lap as I tried to wake up up, even if just a little bit. That's when I saw Nagito Komaeda walk up to the school gate, before seeing me and Hinata and running over, looking panicked.

"Nanami! Is Hi- I mean, is that boy alright!?" Komaeda quickly knelt down next to me as he threw his back down on the ground next to him.

"I- I don't know! He went to look for me since he hadn't seen me and a security guard basically beat him to a pulp! Sonia is out getting help!" My breath hitched, how could I let Hinata get hurt like this!? It was my duty as his friend AND an ultimate to keep him safe!

"I'll stay here with you guys to make sure he's alright." Komaeda assured me, I thought that was a bit strange, Komaeda didn't normally care for the Reserve Course students, infact I'm pretty sure he hated them... So, why was he being so-?



"You... Know Hinata well don't you?" I suddenly asked, watching Komaeda's head perk up in surprise.

"H-huh..? H-his name is Hinata!? Haha... I didn't know that!" Komaeda tried to brush what I had just said off but now it was pretty obvious.

"You don't normally worry about Reserve Course students, you've been hanging out with Hinata, as more than friends, haven't you?" I tilted my head to the side, upset that both Hinata and Komaeda didn't tell me anything.

"Could we... Have this conversation when Hinata is awake..?" Komaeda's face was a dusty red, he was clearly embarrassed and I couldn't blame him.

Then Sonia came running back over with Mikan Tsumiki, the Ultimate Nurse, who looked even more panicked than me, Komaeda and Sonia combined.

"O-oh my god! I-is he o-o-okay!?" Tsumiki basically screamed as she knelt down between me Komaeda, transferring Hinata from my lap onto hers.

"We wouldn't have asked for your help if he was okay..." Komaeda muttered before Sonia nudged him.

"L-let's see..." Tsumiki said before going to examine Hinata, then she looked over at the three of us. "C-could one of you guys g-g-get someone strong or carry him over t-to the infirmary? N-not t-t-the Reserve Course o-one!"

Komaeda nodded, picking Hinata up and basically giving him a piggy back before running over to the infirmary, us girls running as fast as we could behind him.

Timeskip brought to you by me being forgotten by my teacher

We all sat there, well, excluding Tsumiki, in silence, we all seemed so impatient, wondering if Hinata was okay. It surprised me how much Sonia cared even though she barely even knew the guy, but I was worried about Komaeda too... I was upset, but also frustrated, I was upset that Hinata had gotten hurt, just for wondering if his friend was okay, I was upset that he kept that secret about him and Komaeda from me, I was angry at that security guard, I was angry that Komaeda didn't even try to talk to me about Hinata... But Hinata and Komaeda were probably going to tell me once Hinata woke up... Right?

Tsumiki then entered the room, Komaeda, Sonia and me all standing up at the same time, in curiousity.

"How is he!? Is he alright!? Does he need to go to the hospital!? Does he-!?" Komaeda began to ramble on before I quickly put my hand over his mouth, temporarily stooping him from speaking.

"H-he's okay, b-b-but he should probably go home f-f-for the rest of the day... H-h-he was beaten p-pretty badly..! I'm sorry I wasn't there sooner!" Tsumiki began to cry a little bit, before Sonia ran over to comfort her.

"It's okay, Tsumiki! You didn't know! I think we're all just glad that you managed to treat Hinata, and that he's okay now!" Sonia reassured Tsumiki, whilst comforting her and wiping away her tears. "You've got to have more confidence in yourself, Tsumiki!"

"I-I'm sorry!" Tsumiki wailed before Sonia comforted her once more, though I wasn't listening, I turned to Komaeda, who was biting his nails.

He looked like a nervous train-wreck or like when he does when he's talking about hope or something or rather, I can't even tell anymore since I've learned to just tune him out.

"Komaeda, are you okay?" I asked, putting my hand on his shoulder, snapping him out of his anxious state.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, mhm, I'm fine." he tried to laugh it off. "It was all just an act! Did I fool you? Am I that good at acting!"

He laughed once more, basically trying to get me off his back about the fact that he was probably seeing Hinata and keep on the show of 'I hate all Reserve Course students!'.

"Komaeda..." I sighed, removing my hand from his shoulder. "I'm not angry that you're gay or whatever, I'm just upset that you and Hinata didn't even bother to try tell me..."

"We wanted to tell you, it's just... Hinata wasn't sure how you'd react... Like, at all." Komaeda rubbed his arm nervously, avoiding all eye contact with me.

"It's fine, I guess... I'd still like to talk about a bit more, but probably when Hinata is more rested."

Komaeda nodded with a soft smile before walking away, back to class.

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