☆~Chapter 14: Aesthetic!~☆

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I stayed there at the nurse's office for a while longer as Tsumiki said Hinata would probably want to see a familiar face when he woke up, and so Sonia stayed as well to keep my company while Tsumiki treated Hinata.

"Didn't he need to go home for the rest of the day?" Sonia turned to me suddenly with a quizzical expression.

"It was probably just one of Tsumiki's suggestions, and plus, he can rest at home after school." I sighed, taking my gameboy out of my bag and booting up a game.

"Right... So how's he supposed to get home..?" Sonia giggled nervously as we both sat down.

".. Home?" I stopped playing my fame and lifted my head up. How could I forget he's not in any shape to get home by himself!? "Oh, uhm... Uh..."

"Maybe you could ask Komaeda to carry him back to Hinata's house? You'd be walking with them so Komaeda would know where to go, of course." Sonia suggested with a friendly smile.

".. How could I have not thought of that!? Sonia, you're a genius!" I yelled, letting go of my gameboy and staring deep into her eyes.

"P-p-please quieten d-down!" Tsumiki stuttered out as she left the room Hinata was asleep in.

"Apologies, Tsumiki!" Me and Sonia said at the same time, before we looked at each other and giggled as Tsumiki walked away.

We returned back to silence as I continued playing the game I had originally booted up on my gameboy, and Sonia reached into her bag for something.

I looked out of the corner of my eye to see Sonia reading a book... 'The Love Hypothesis'... What an interesting title...

Then, all of a sudden, Sonia began muttering to herself while giggling.

"Hm? What'cha talkin' about?" I asked, not taking my eyes off of my game.

"Oh, just that I think it'd be super cute and romantic to have a whole enemies to lovers thing go on in real life, y'know?" Sonia smiled sweetly as it seemed she was drowned in her own thoughts.

"Well, I guess Hinata and Komaeda kind of had that..." I shrugged.

"Yeah, but I didn't get to see that!" Sonia pouted... How adorable... Wait, what?

I giggled a bit before Sonia began to talk again.

"So... What's your aesthetic? Or like, your favorite aesthetic?" Sonia asked, continuing the conversation.

"I definitely fit the kawaiicore aesthetic. My room is super cute -" Before I could continue, Sonia interrupted me.

"Sorry to interrupt you, but... Why don't you just use the term 'cutecore'? I see a lot of videos just calling the aesthetic that."

"Oh, cutecore is... How do u explain..? Racist? I'm not sure how to explain. Use Google..." I sighed, Sonia nodding.

"Ohhh, okay."

"How about you?"

"I really love the coquette style! It's so cute and fancy!"

"I agree, it is really pretty... Lots of my figures have that sort of vibe to it."

"You collect figures!?"

"Of course I do! Why?"

"Oh, this is so exciting! I really want a figure of this character, but I don't know any good stores!"

"What's the character..? I'm sure I can give you one, I have a lot."

"Really!? Oh, you're the best! I think his name is... Denji? Like the guy from Chainsaw Man?"

" I have do many of those... But I didn't expect you to watch an anime like that..."

"I get that a lot..."

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