☆~Chapter 16: hands mate (short)~☆

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I had eventually calmed down all the way, Sonia's voice was so soothing. It was so strange. We returned to silence once more after I had calmed down and began to give her the cold shoulder.

Now, how else could I destroy her? I knew I could do some digging on her past, but what else? I knew she wanted to start collecting things, and she liked Chainsaw Man and anime, but those were some pretty normal interests... Maybe if I pretended to be her friend, I could get some more info? Yes! That was genius!

The more I thought about it, the more Sonia began to weird me out. What did it mean to be the 'Ultimate Princess'? Why and how was she so pretty? I looked down at my hands. They didn't look anything like Sonia's hands... Hers looked so pretty and soft and slim... But mine were so ugly and bitten and rough looking... Sonia's nails were so long, and they were painted a pretty sage green colour. My nails, on the other hand, were so short that there was barely any nail left...

I began to pout as I looked between my hands and Sonia's hands. Luckily, Sonia didn't notice as she continued to read her book, I began to admire her a bit closer... Her posture was so straight, and it didn't have an ounce of looking bent in the slightest. Her hair was long and looked silky and soft. Her skin looked flawless, like she wasn't wearing any make-up at all... I craved to be like that...

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