01. Chimera feeling.

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Alex held her head high, she stared down at the him.

"Come back for your sister?"

"No. For you"

Alex shot the bullet, watching with spite as it landed in its chest.

Alex walked closer, she glared at the creature "I can kill you again, and agian and again. I'll do it over and over if it means I get to watch you suffer"

An arrow shot towards her, Alex grabbed it before it could hit her. She snapped it in half and threw it away from her.

"Come on, you gotta be stronger than that. Don't you know what I can do. Don't you know what I am?"

"You're weak" he muttered,

"Weak? How would I be weak, I hold all the cards"

"Not all"


Alex's eyes widened, her heart jump "i swear to god to if you touch her!"

"Do you still hold all the cards"


Alex turned her head, watching as Allison was empaled; blood seeping from her wound.

"No. Allison. Oh god"

Alex's hands shook, she held the open wound. Nothing happened.

"No, no Allison" she choked.

"I have your one weakness. I have Allison"

Alex gasped, her throat raw as she awoke. Her body ached from the nightmare, she glanced down at her veins that were tinted with the memories.

This had been happening for days now, Alex didn't have a nightmare like that in almost ten years. She almost forget what it felt like to wake up to such an impending feeling.

She grabbed a bottle of water from her refrigerator, sitting down she called her husbands number.

"Hey it's agent stilinski. Leave a message and I'll call you back"

"Hey honey, I know you're probably sleeping but I just wanted to call and say I missed you. We both do, I eh.. I just had a weird dream and wanted to hear your voice but it's okay. I've just been working too much on the book, I love you"

Alex sighed, she held out her arms and examined her veins. They hadn't glowed like that since she last healed, which was too far back to remember.

It was like her body remembered, but she wasn't sure it remembered,

"Momma" Sage stood at the door, her stuffed animal in her arms.

"What are you doing up sweetie"

"I had a bad dream"

"Oh come here" Alex opened her arms, the young girl ran into them "what happened?"

"There was a monster trying to take you and daddy" she sniffled, her small eyes puffy.

𝑹𝑬𝑻𝑼𝑻𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮 // 𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑳𝑬𝑺 𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑳𝑰𝑵𝑺𝑲𝑰 Where stories live. Discover now