02. Its been a while.

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—•4 years ago•—

Alex laid the 8 month old down in her crib, she quietly left the room. Hoping she wouldn't stir.

Alex made her way down stairs, stiles met her with a cup of coffee "thank you"

Sage was going through some sleep regression. She seemed to be waking up every hour, this included from the hours of 10pm to 6am.

Alex sipped on the warm drink, she glanced down at her phone and awaited a text from Lydia.

"Still no answer?"

"No" Alex shook her head, "she postponed two weeks ago and has barely been texting me"

"Oh?" Stiles raised a brow.

"I'm worried." Alex sighed, "I might go check on her tomorrow"

"Maybe she's just busy"

"No. No, she's been busy before but.. this time it feels different"

Stiles squeezed her shoulder, "Well, I trust you so if you feel it's different than maybe it is"

Alex smiled a little, "I love you."

The monitor that sat on the counter interrupted them. They both groaned simultaneously.

"We gotta let her sleep it out" stiles said, stopping his wife from standing.

"But she's crying." Alex pointed.

"I know and it's killing me, but if we sooth her every time she will learn that crying will get her what she wants not needs"

Alex arched a brow "did you read more books"


"If she's still crying in 2 minutes I'm going up there"

Stiles rubbed Alex's shoulders, "she's okay. This will help her sleep better and than we will sleep better"

"I think I'm okay with the sleepless nights. Brings me back to the old days"

Stiles chuckled, he kissed Alex's head.


Alex pushed sages stroller up the path, sage babbled quietly.

Alex knocked on Lydia's door, she would usually just walk in but Lydia seemed rather distant lately.

Seconds passed and the door was pulled open, Lydia's eyes widened as she noticed her goddaughter in the stroller.

"What are you doing here?" Lydia asked.

"You've been kinda MIA lately, I was worried" Alex shrugged

"Uh.. yeah, no I'm okay" Lydia replied, the door barely open a crack.

"Ldys, what's going on?" Alex asked, trying to look past the red head.

"Nothing I'm fine" Lydia lied, "you should go"

"Oh come on, why don't we have a coffee. You can tell me what's wrong"

"Nothing is wrong!" Lydia snapped, "I want to be alone can you leave me alone"


"Just go! Don't come back okay, I don't wanna see you"

Alex's brows furrowed, "what? What are you talking about. Is someone in there, are you okay?"

Lydia rolled her eyes, she opened the door fully.

"What is wrong with you?" Alex asked

"We are in two completely different places right now. I think it's best if we didn't see each other so often" Lydia explained.

𝑹𝑬𝑻𝑼𝑻𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮 // 𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑳𝑬𝑺 𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑳𝑰𝑵𝑺𝑲𝑰 Where stories live. Discover now