14. Life after

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Everyone felt displaced, Scott McCall was back in his old bedroom, Isaac and Stella sleeping in the spare room and Lydia was sleeping on Melissa's couch. It was almost like old times, everyone bunking in the McCall household.

Allison was sleeping on Dereks couch, Alex and stiles were barely sleeping.

It may have been one of the longest nights of their lives. All their lives, they weren't as young as they used to be; bones ached and hearts were full of grief and gratefulness all at once.

Suddenly, Alex and stiles were now the legal guardians of a teenage wolf. All in the matter of painful minutes.

But Alex knew, she knew Derek hale chose the best choice. He trusted her with his life and he trusted her with his sons life, she would make sure Eli was protected for the rest of his.

It would come with an adjustment, but it was one the couple was ready to take.

They could only hope the events wouldn't scar their family.

Alex watched from the door, stiles couldn't seem to take his eyes away from sage.

"Is she asleep?"


Alex walked in, she stroked sages head "it felt so real. I think I actually felt my body shatter from the inside"

"Me too. God, I wanted to.. when I thought she was.. I didn't see any point in living after that" stiles admitted.

Alex sat down, "she's okay though. She's gonna be okay,"

"I called the local hospitals. Sarah was found maybe 20 minutes later, she's in hospital recovering"

"Oh thank god" Alex exhaled, "I'm gonna call her in the morning. She needs time off and I plan on staying home"

"They found the killer today, I got a call, so I've got a month. Im here"

"You didn't have to do that"

"No, I wanted to. Eli is gonna need us both, we have done this a million times before"

Alex sighed, "yeah we have"

"How are you?" Stiles Asked,

Alex stifled, "that's a question"

"Have you got an answer"

"I think I'm exhausted. And my body hurts so much, and my sister is.." Alex exhaled, "she's alive. Suddenly I have her back, 15 years of grief and suddenly she's here"

"What about Derek?"

"I don't really know. My heart hurts for Eli, he's so young and he's gonna go through so much."

"We've both Been there, we can help him" stiles reassured.

"I'm just worried, my grief suddenly doesn't exist anymore. How do I relate to him when I just got her back" Alex admitted.

Stiles rubbed her leg, "your grief isn't gone. You still lost 15 years with her. You just get to start again"

Sage moved a little, Alex fixed the blanket "you think she's scarred"

𝑹𝑬𝑻𝑼𝑻𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮 // 𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑳𝑬𝑺 𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑳𝑰𝑵𝑺𝑲𝑰 Where stories live. Discover now