06. The hunt

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When stiles had answered his wife's call, the sound of her gasped cries burned through him.

Stiles hasn't heard Alex cry like that since they left beacon hills. Nothing every brought her that close.

Whatever was taking over beacon hills wasn't doing it lightly, they didn't have weeks like before, it was all happening; all at once.

Stiles couldn't control a thing, he was stuck in Virginia whilst Alex's life was once again torn from underneath her - he wasn't sleeping, barely eating. He was losing himself.

Stiles tapped his knee anxiously, his eyes burning a hole into the desk he was staring into. His head was pounding, his ears almost ringing.


Stiles winced, his ears burning.

I know you can hear me.. I have her...

Stiles eyes shot open, the voice in his head burning like a plague. The voice he never feared could come back.

His voice, voids voice.

He couldn't tell if it was all a dream. Or if he was slowly losing his mind all over again.

His phone pinged, he picked it up.

She's okay now, or at least she's pretending to be. I'm not sure what's happening but she really does not want you coming,

Stiles dropped his phone, he sighed into his hands. The words I have her rang in his ears.

He was left to wonder who she was.


"Are you sure you're okay?" Chris asked,

"I Don't know" Alex admitted, "but I've done this before. I've felt this way, and I've handled it."

"I'm sorry" he apologised, Chris and Alex had put all their demons to bed long before this, but if anything this had reopened Chris Argents eyes.

He missed all this the first time, or he just wished he didn't see it. But he wouldn't do it again.

"I'm here this time, I promise"

Alex nodded, "I know, come on. I don't want anyone worrying"

"Hey, could we talk for a minute" Isaac walked in, he looked worried.

Alex nodded, gesturing for her dad to leave.


Alex held up her hand, stopping him "I know what you're gonna say. I'm not fine but I'm trying really hard to be because what I saw at the hospital still isn't Allison and she may never be Allison. So I cried, I'm cleaning myself up and I'm going downstairs"

𝑹𝑬𝑻𝑼𝑻𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮 // 𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑳𝑬𝑺 𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑳𝑰𝑵𝑺𝑲𝑰 Where stories live. Discover now