05. Its really her.

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Sage was finally on her way home, Alex felt like she could breathe again.

Lydia's dreams were hanging over Alex's head like a bad cloud, worried that she may actually be right.

Things were quiet, till Alex had gotten an urgent call to meet Scott at the hospital... immediately.

Alex, Isaac and Stella ran into the hospital, coming to a skidded stop at the entrance.

Melissa greeted them, looking only at alex.

"He's looking for her, she's running" Melissa told her,



"Wait she's really alive?" Isaac asked, his eyes wide.

"Oh come on. Surely it's not actually her" Alex scoffed,

"Alex... it's her" Melissa nodded.

"No" Alex shook her head, tears brinking her eyes  "no I watched her die, I felt her die"

"It's her sweetie"

Alex let out a cut off breath, footsteps came from behind.

Alex looked from her father, her eyes landed on Allison.

Alex stumbled back, barely breathing. She looked so real, so... so much like Allison. She looked scared, she looked different.

It was her. How could it have possibly been her.

Alex's breath was taken in a second. She couldn't breathe, but how could she?

Allison turned the other way, fleeing before she could be caught again. Her dad ran after, grabbing Scott when he seen him.

Isaac blinked a few times, it was different with the wild hunt. They were all made forget, but this... this was real and they remembered all the hurt from before.

Stella rubbed his arm, "are you okay?"

Isaac barely nodded, "she looks... she's.. woah"

"Alex, are you okay?" Stella asked, she barely knew Alex but the look on her face told her everything.

Alex blinked, "this isn't... she's-.. I watch her-...."

"Breathe, Alex you need to breathe" Melissa said calmly, rubbing her back.

Alex released a quiet breath, a choked cry came after. Alex wasn't sure why she was crying, but she couldn't seem to stop.

Chris caught Alex in a hug, "I know. I know"

Scott had ran from the building, hoping to catch up with Allison - but she was long gone by now.

"Alex" Isaac called, softly.

Alex looked at him, her eyes bloodshot and distant.

"It's gonna be okay"

Alex closed her eyes, the stung with the night air.

𝑹𝑬𝑻𝑼𝑻𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮 // 𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑳𝑬𝑺 𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑳𝑰𝑵𝑺𝑲𝑰 Where stories live. Discover now