09. A code.

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Alex walked alongside Scott, keeping a cautious eye on his oozing wound.

Allison had tied Alex's wrists together, which if Alex wanted to she could escape from in seconds.

"Keep going" Allison ordered, poking him along with dagger, this had been continuous since they left the cliff.

Scott stopped for a second, leaning against a tree.

"We're heading back to the main road, aren't we? And my blood, it's going to lure them. I'm the bait for the trap, right? 'Cause by the time the others catch up to us, I'l be dead, and you can pick the others off one by one." Scott explained, following with the question  "Is that the plan?"

"Yeah, actually. That is the plan." Allison nodded, not sounding impressed.

"That's a bit predictable" Alex mumbled.

"You don't hunt werewolves, Allison. And no matter what the Nogitsune put into your head
you don' kill them either." Scott said, hoping to convince her.

They both really wanted to believe a part of Allison was still in there.

As much as Alex wanted to deny it, she knew it was Allison. It wasn't figment this time. 

Alex wanted to hold her tightly, but she was merely a stranger in Allisons head right now.

"I think part of you knows it. I saw it the moment you stabbed me."

"Saw what."


"Go!" Allison ordered, poking him along.

"It's mom isn't it?" Alex questioned, Allison looked to her.


"The nogitsune, it's shaping itself as mom to gain your trust. That's why you want Derek Because the last thing she wanted before dying was derek and Scott" Alex pressed,

"How do you-..

"Because we've done this before Allison. Stiles was possessed by the nogitsune, it took the Face of someone we all trust and tricked us. That's what's it does, it's a trickster" Alex explained,

"You wanna know what killed you, the thing that's controlling you"

"I died for you" Allison shot back,

"No you didn't" Alex shook her head, "that's what's it wants you to say. To hurt me, but it's been 15 years, the hurt goes away. All that's left are the memories"

"You're a traitor" Allison glared

"Oh please!" Alex stopped, "you don't even know who am beyond what that thing is telling you. You look at me and you see nothing beyond what he wants, do you know what I see when I look at you Allison. I see my sister, my sister who I have missed for every second of my life since you died. I see the girl who was my best friend, who knew more about me than I did sometimes. You are Allison argent, my sister"

𝑹𝑬𝑻𝑼𝑻𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮 // 𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑳𝑬𝑺 𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑳𝑰𝑵𝑺𝑲𝑰 Where stories live. Discover now