17. Its you and me.

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Everyone always went back to the stilinksi household after a game, it was more in solidarity for Eli but if Derek hales death and thought them anything, it's that they needed to see each other more often.

"How's the research coming?" Alex asked,

"Great. Beacon hills has so much around it, it's like it's own science museum. There is so much about the supernatural and how it all came to be" Stella explained, beaming.

"Seeing someone excited about that place.. is genuinely weird" stiles commented.

"I found some stuff on chimeras too. Like genetic ones" stella said,

"Oh?" Alex raised a brow, "do tell"

"Well, there's human chimeras who have different colour eyes, or their hair may be different tones. Although, I'm not sure how it works with supernatural, but if it's anything like other creatures I think it happens around puberty. So you've got plenty of time"

"Uh huh" Alex nodded.

"Sorry, I'm a total nerd when it comes to these things. I'm still trying to believe I'm in the company of supernatural beings" Stella apologised.

Scott chuckled, "it's nice to have an exited newcomer"

Eli walked in, it was just before 10pm, He walked straight to his room.

"I'm gonna go check on him" Alex stood up, excusing herself.

She walked upstairs, roscoe came pattering behind her. Alex knocked on his door, hearing a barely mumbled come in.

"Hey, how was your night?" She asked.

Eli cleared his throat, "good. Good"

Alex heard the tremble in his tone "have you been crying"

"It's stupid" he sniffled quietly,

"Okay" Alex walked in, she closed the door behind her. "Whatever it is, I can guarantee it's not as stupid as you think"

"I was watching you all today.. everyone came, everyone always shows up but the one person I want there.." his voice was caught on tears, he wiped them quickly.

"Oh honey... That's not at all stupid. You feelings are valid, and it will take some time to feel even close to normal" Alex reassured,

"I hate feeling this way. It just hits me out of nowhere"

Alex sat down, she felt roscoes head rest on her  lap.

"when Allison died, and it was the biggest loss I ever faced. She was a part of me and losing her, it made the world feel like it was caving in. I had those moments when I realized I hadn't even thought about her and than it would hit me all over again"

"What did you do?"

"For a while, nothing. It took me a while to feel it"

"How did you do it?" He asked, sniffling.

"With help, from stiles and Scott and your dad. And I always kept a part of her with me" Alex said, holding the arrow head,

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