04. New people.

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"Go say hi to grandpa" Alex smiled, watching as the young girl ran into Noah's arms

"Hey sweet pea" he smiled, hugging her "how's my favourite granddaughter"

"I'm your only one" Sage laughed.

"Still my favourite"

"What brings you to town?" Noah asked,

"Few strings with the book" Alex lied, unsure of how much anyone told the sheriff. "Nanny is picking her up in an hour, I'm not sure how long I'll be away from home"

"Well, I'm excited to see you"

"Sage is very excited to see the town momma used to live in" Alex informed,

"How about we start with my desk," he sat her down in the big brown chair, "you know I used to give your momma and daddy many lectures from this chair"

Alex smiled a little, watching as Noah spun her in the chair.

"How's stiles?" Noah asked,

"He's still out of the country. Trying to solve the case"

"He works too much, and that's coming from an over worker" Noah shook his head.

"He loves it" Alex shrugged, "besides I always stay with her now"

"I drew this one for you" sage held up the scribbled paper, "it's got grandma in it,"

Noah smiled, "I'm gonna hang it right here"

He turned her around, and pinned it to a wall, "you're a little artist"

"Momma do I have to go?"

"Yes sweetheart, I'm gonna be really busy" Alex nodded, "but I will be home before you know it"

"Okay" she sighed dramatically.

"I know, but it's just a few days and than we can have a whole day together" Alex promised,

"Pinky?" Sage held up her small finger, Alex linked it. And nodded firmly.

Noah looked out his office window, noticing Isaac  "what is Isaac Lahey doing here"

Alex looked, scoffing "I told him to stay in the car"

"Alex. Why are you here?" Noah asked, more stern.

Alex took out the small headphones, she connected them to her phone "here baby, listen to some cartoons okay"

"But momma"

"It's grown up conversation"

Noah opened the door, "Isaac. Get in here"

Isaac stiffened, he walked over "I feel 17 again"

"Take sage to get something from the vending machine" he said, hanging him some cash.

"Do not let her out of your sight" Alex warned, sternly.

"Obviously" Isaac retorted, "come on sage"

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