16. Memories relived.

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•-One month later-•

"Thanks for babysitting today" Alex said, handing Chris sages backpack.

"Please, I love spending time with her. What are you and stiles doing?"

"I'm taking him somewhere, it's a surprise"

"You know, I love having you back" Chris said, "I missed you when you were in Washington"

Alex and stiles where settling into their new home, it was closer to beacon hills than they had been in since they left, but it for Eli and a part of them liked being closer to their families.

Sage was starting kindergarten in just a few months, and Eli was finishing his sophomore year, finding some relief in lacrosse - now that he had a certain advantage.

Days were still hard, Eli still struggled a lot with Dereks loss. But he knew where to go to find help.

"She's finished at 1:00, please don't give her too much sugar. She gets so hyped up" Alex requested.

Chris chuckled. Alex excepted her fate of a hyper child.

"One more thing, when did you know for certain I had started to heal?"

"Is sage showing signs?" Chris raised a brow, "she's not even 5?"

"She's just.. it's little things" Alex vaguely explained, "anyways, thank you. I'll pick her up later"

"Love you baby, have a good day" Alex smiled, Sage was too invested in her video to even notice.

Alex walked back inside, "hey Eli! You ready?"

Eli came barreling down the stairs, lacrosse gear hanging from him.

"Sorry, roscoe had an accident in my room" he apologised.

Hoping to help the adjustment, Scott suggested the couple adopt a dog - so Eli wouldn't feel like the only knew feature.

Admittedly, they loved the new puppy - but it was easier to potty train their child.

"Thanks for cleaning it" Alex patted his shoulder, handing him his lunch "stiles and I will you see later, and don't forget we'll be at your game tonight"

"Oh, you don't have to come. I'll probably be on the bench" Eli dismissed,

It was taking some time for Eli to adjust to his guardians, to not feel like an imposition on their lives.

"Hey, I'll have you know my husband was the best bench warmer. I went to every game"


"For what?"

"Just.. being here"

Alex smiled, "you don't ever have to thank me for doing my job. I love you kiddo"

"I'm sorry," Eli sighed, after hesitating.

Eli was struggling with his feelings. To him, he only knew Alex as a distant relative. It had been years since she last saw him.

𝑹𝑬𝑻𝑼𝑻𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮 // 𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑳𝑬𝑺 𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑳𝑰𝑵𝑺𝑲𝑰 Where stories live. Discover now