Chapter 1. Tears

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This story contains a character named Violet, picture her how you want but I see her with blonde shoulder length hair and some small parts braided with beads in them, she also most likely wears dresses and pants as she does not care for the Na'vi clothing

Neteyam's pov

Floating. That's all I felt. I felt like I was floating in a pool, but the water was bloody and warm. I slowly open my eyes to see myself. Like I was watching what was happening. I was Laying on a mat, my mother braiding my hair while crying, my head in her lap. Lo'ak was holding my left hand, tears welling in his eyes, threatening to fall, Tuk was laying on the right next to me, her head laying on my stomach, she was telling some sort of story, one I could not comprehend. My father just sat watching, he refused to touch me, Ao'nung holding Tsireya as she sobbed. Someone caught my eye though, laying on my left side, sobbing into my shoulder, I heard words coming from this Female na'vi

"Please mother, why must you take him from us, he's too young. Please mother eywa, bring him back to me."

I knew that voice anywhere, Kiri. Never did I think something like this would affect her so much, sure we loved each other but we where 'assholes' to each other, as the sky people would say.

We had a friend back at the forest, She was a sky person. Her name was violet, she said it was a flower on Earth. She was nice, her mother brought her here to repopulate with her own family when she was nine, Her father was what my father was. A warrior, but a bad one, a sky warrior, he was one of the ones that came in with my father when they first arrived in pandora. Later on when after her father had been killed here her mother wanted to bring her here, hoping for a better life, not knowing her husband had been murdered.

My father saw the woman as a threat, killing her with no mercy, he only saw the child after it had been done. He brought her home and decided someone needed to care for her as she was only a child and it would be unfair and against eywa to kill someone who meant no harm. That is how she became one with us, we never saw a difference in her, to us she was just like ourselves, a na'vi, A sister

She told us everything we wanted to know about their home, they called it Earth. We called it hell, home of the demons that tried to kill us all.
She never once tried to harm us, she looked after my siblings and me, being a year older then myself she was like the older sibling I always wanted

We had to leave her though, what would the Metkayina clan think if we brought a sky person with us? They would not have let us stay

I watched as Kiri sobbed, father trying to pull her away as it was time to let my body go to Eywa. Everyone else had already gotten up, My mother Neytiri had walked outside, not wanting to see how much this affected her daughter who hardly ever cried.

"Please! Please mother I beg of you! Give him back to us.." Kiri sobbed, it made me a little said, I didn't want to leave them. Not like this

"Come on Kiri, we have to go" My father Jake tried to pull her away, not knowing she was near as strong as she was showing, holding onto my arm refusing to let go

"Mother I beg, I beg please, bring him home to us, don't take him yet, we need him..Mother just wants to hold you and hear you speak...lo'ak needs to be sternly yelled at again, your the only one he'll listen to Teyam...father wanted to go flying again with you...tuk has no one to do her hair in the middle of the night now.." I started crying, never knowing how much I could hurt them just by letting go..

"I need you Neteyam...I need my big bro back...I need you to talk to me...I need to talk to always know what to say...please Tey...please don't leave me.."

That was it. I was back in the void, I looked up and saw Grace, kiri's mothers she smiled at me
"Neteyam...oh how much different you look...kiri's really upset I see" she said, placing a hand on my cheek

"Please Grace...take me back..." I asked, sobbing at this point. And it all went black

Author here! Honestly I'm really excited to make this, I have tooo many ideas already, jumping to be let out, this whole story came to me because I heard Hayloft 2, funny ain't it? Honestly I hope people like this story, I will try to update as much as I can, I may go a week between posting and then post multiple times a day, I'm really sorry, my schedule is awful
Please do go back and read the trigger warnings, if you don't feel as though you can read this that is perfectly fine, so what's good for your mental health, come back another day, there will be fluff and angst, not sure about smut rn but I'll think about it
Words: 871

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