Chapter 23. Fight

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Third person pov

Neteyam walked inside his tent to see his mate reading a book who immediately perked up at the sound of the door

Ao'nung quickly put down his book rushing to his lover "oh Eywa thank you for bringing him home safe" he prayed. This was a thing of his to pray and ask that Eywa brings neteyam home safe before he leaves and thanking Eywa when he comes home

Ao'nung started scanning neteyam "are you alright?! Are you hurt my love??" He asked, Neteyam just softly pushing him away to go and lay down, Ao'nung following him

"My love tell me what's bothering you" he said, sitting next to Neteyam who was now crying

Ao'nung pulled neteyam into his lap, wiping the smaller na'vis tears "Shh its alright Tey, I'm here" he said, rocking them back and forth in a soothing manner

Neteyam soon Falling asleep. Ao'nung laying him down and going to turn off the lamps before laying down with him


Ao'nung was extremely worried about neteyam at this point. It being about two weeks since he had come home crying

Neteyam didn't hardly eat or talk to anyone, he went on patrols early in the morning and didn't come back till almost eclipse

This time Ao'nung was going to figure out what was happening on these patrols wether he liked it or not

So this time when Neteyam got up, Ao'nung acted as he was asleep, Neteyam moved to him and kissing his forehead. Something he has not done in a while, then neteyam left

Ao'nung quickly got up, getting dressed and following, making sure not to be seen

Neteyam walked to norm's lab, very much confusing Ao'nung but against his better judgement he kept following

Neteyam buzzing in "hey norm im here" he said, being let in almost immediately. Ao'nung not being able to get in

Although most the windows where they could look out but no one could look in Ao'nung knew there was a window that he could look in and they couldn't see him, most likely just not being able to hear them

Neteyam walked to norm, laying down and lifting his shirt, norm smiling and putting gel on his stomach, putting the transducer to his stomach and moving it around, pressing in different areas

It was still uncomfortable but at this point neteyam was used to it. Norm turned the screen to neteyam and smiled "there's your eleven week old baby" he said, Neteyam slightly smiling "when are we going to know the gender?" He asked, Norm sighing as he printed the photo and wiped the gel from Neteyam's stomach

"I'm not sure, I can't promise anything, probably within two or three weeks" norm said, neteyam sitting up and rolling down his shirt before getting up and bending down to hugging norm

Norm was shocked but just hugged back "thank you Uncle norm" Neteyam said, norm smiling and rubbing his back

Neteyam let go and stood back up, taking the photo from norm and putting it in his pocket before walking out

Ao'nung was completely shocked. He didn't know what to say or think or do. He decided it was best to head back home before neteyam got there


This time neteyam came home earlier, walking in the ten to see his mate cooking "hello love" he said Ao'nung turning around to him "finally talking?" He asked, neteyam just nodding and moving over to him, wrapping his arms around Ao'nung's waist

Ao'nung just slightly pushed neteyam away, tears in his eyes. Neteyam looked a little shocked "what's wrong?" He asked his mate

"You didn't tell me?!" Ao'nung yelled, Neteyam was taken aback "what do you mean?" He asked, Ao'nung had tears in his eyes at this point "your baby! OUR baby!! Your pregnant Neteyam!" He yelled. Neteyam's eyes widened, confused "how did yo-"

"I followed you! I was worried because you where hardly talking and found you've been pregnant and haven't told me!" Ao'nung said, tears running down his face

Neteyam didn't know what to say, lucky for him Neteyam Ao'nung spoke again "How long have you know?!" He asked, neteyam not responding. Ao'nung pushing him "how long have you known?!" He asked again, neteyam putting his hands up

"Only a few weeks I promise Ao! I was gonna tell you today!" Neteyam yelled back, scared. He knew Ao'nung would never hurt him but seeing his mate like this made him worried

Ao'nung left the tent, crying. Neteyam running after him "Ma Aon!" He yelled to no avail, watching as Ao'nung got onto his ikran and quickly flew away

Neteyam was heart broken, he couldn't believe it. Why Ao'nung would react that way, it was simply his choice to tell him when he decided too

Neteyam's family walked out, Tonowari, Ronal and Tsireya following "what happened??" Tonowari asked

"We got in a fight..." Neteyam said, Tsireya walking up to him "about?" She asked. Neteyam couldn't tell her. Norm told him not to tell rlly anyone except a few until about his fifteenth week as there was less chance of his loosing it at that point

"Couple stuff" neteyam said, walking back inside his tent, not knowing what to do now

"Oh Eywa please keep him safe and open his eyes...bring him back to me.." Neteyam said, laying down

Hello! Sorry for the sad chapter 😭
Well I don't have much to say so
As always tell me what you think!
Much love
Words: 915

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