Chapter 9 Walking

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Ao'nung's pov

It had been days since I was last aloud to see him, I was bored out of my mind and I missed him so much I hated it

Apparently they where working on him walking again so they didn't bother with having anyone but family there, although since Tuk was a child she still was not aloud Despite being family

I was sitting by a palm tree, reshaping my spear with my knife, thinking to myself while humming
Remembering Neteyam's arms wrapped around my neck, or how soft his lips where. Or how we used to sneak off to climb a big tree and kiss while stargazing

I missed being with him so so much. He was one of my favorite people and I hated being apart from him. For the past month, since the war and everything we've hardly seen each other, we used to see each other everyday around 10:30 pm, if we couldn't come then we'd sneak off during the day to hang out and I missed it terribly

I heard sand crunching behind me so I turned around to see lo'ak, Tsireya, rotxo and Kiri come up and sit next to me, I gave them a confused look but before I could ask lo'ak interrupted "just watch the medic's hut" I shrugged and looked over, watching for a few minutes but nothing happened

"What's sup-" "SHHH" Tsireya yelled at me, putting a hand over my mouth as she stared at the hut waiting for something to happen

Then it did. Out walked Jake, Neteyam and my father. Jake was on Tey's right side and Dad was on his left, they where both holding his arms as he walked steadily

I could only smiled, happy to see such a progress.
Apparently when he got shot it hit some nerves, messing up his legs so seeing him walk was an absolute miracle. I thanked Eywa and watched with a big grin

Jake nodded to my father for him to he let go and he did as he stepped back. Jake walking behind Neteyam with his hands under his elbows

Jake then let go of neteyam and he didn't fall! He kept walking calmly, making his way to the tree we where at

As he touched the tree we all jumped up, clapping and shouting as if he had just won the biggest award, but to us this was a reward, and I know it was to him as well

I quickly made my way towards him and carefully hugged him, him hugging back

"I'm so proud of you my flower" I whispered into his ear, sending a chill down his spine as I felt him shiver against me

"Thank you" he mumbled, burring his head in my shoulder, I imagined he was pretty tired as just days before this he could barely stay awake for more then two hours and he definitely couldn't walk

"Want me to carry you back?" I asked, holding him tight but not tight enough to hurt him "please"

I wasted no time picking him up and slowly carrying him back, I smiled as I felt him slowly snoring against me

I laid him flat on the mat, turning to walk away but he grabbed my arm, I turned back and saw those beautiful gold eyes looking up to me in a pleading way, almost a way that made me want to do things "please stay.." he whispered before dozing off again, still having a tight grip on my arm

I looked back to Jake, he just smiled and nodded so I sat next to him, leaning against the wall and closing my own eyes

Third person pov

Neteyam slowly opened his eyes, feeling a presence beside him he looked over to see Ao'nung laying against the wall asleep with his hand on Neteyam's shoulder, he smiled at him and slowly moved his hand, trying to get up a few times before succeeding and walking outside to see his father and Ao'nung's "hey champ, ya get up yourself or did your little boyfriend help you?" Jake asked, snickering as tonowari sent him a glare. Neteyam's face turning a darker shade of blue "I got up myself. And we're not dating dad, he's promised to a woman" "so if he wasn't you'd date him?" Neteyam just rolled his eyes and walked past his father, happy to feel the sand under his feet again. He slowly started to run, laughing and putting his arms up to feel the wind

Neteyam ran to the ocean, about to dive in when he felt hands on his shoulders "not so fast my flower" he knew that nickname and voice anywhere


Neteyam turned around, looking at Ao'nung "what? Why?" Neteyam asked, knowing the answer but wanting to hear him care "Because you could get an infection, or rip open your stitches, you shouldn't even be running"

Neteyam pouted "but I wanna swim"

"No love, now let's get you back to bed aye?" Ao'nung said sternly, holding his arm

"I don't want to Ao'nung" neteyam said, pulling his arm away "I finally get good at walking again, your not just gonna put me back on that mat until this thing heals. Don't baby me Ao'nung" neteyam snapped, moving away from him. He truly didn't mean to snap but for some reason Neteyam just had less patience for things since he awoken

"I'm not babying you, I'm giving you an order so you don't get hurt" Ao'nung said, fighting back, his patience wearing thin as he had never been fought back when he told someone to do something

"Seems like you are babying me, just leave me alone okay?" Neteyam said, walking along the shore away from Ao'nung

Ao'nung just huffed "fine, if you get hurt don't come crying to me bitch!" He yelled before walking back to his own hut

Hehe conflict 🤭
Do we like the first person pov or third??
Please tell me what you think<33
Im hoping to get 1-2 chapters out everyday for this one but I may go over as I have so many ideas or I may not get even one out everyday
Much love
Words: 1038

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