Chapter 28. Preparations

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Third person pov

Since the lover birds last.....encounter, they've both been extremely busy, Neteyam needed for patrols, help building. Just about everything that got him away from his love and he hated it

Ao'nung, on the other hand. The future Tsahìk of the forest clan was always helping with children, babysitting for parents or just playing with the small Na'vis

So much so that they didn't see each other in the mornings but just for a small kiss and 'love you' before leaving and neither of them got back till eclipse where all they shared was a little kiss and 'I love you' before sleeping

Violet has watched this happen for the last week or so, finally having enough, knowing the couple needed nothing more then to be with one another for more then an hour a day. so that's what Violet would do

She skipped into the Olo'eyktan's tent, seeing Ao'nung holding a sleeping toddler "ack!- oh uh hey violet" He said, chuckling lightly as she softly laughed

"Hey Tsahìk" she teased, Ao'nung just rolling his eyes "whatcha want shortie" he asked, This time Violet rolling her eyes

"I want to host a festival" she said, moving to sit down next to Ao'nung and mess with her newly braided hair

"A festival? But nothing major has happened?" Ao'nung asked, confused as they normally only did so for big events

"Well not a Festival" she started, Ao'nung looking at her intrigued with her suggestion "a Party of sorts. It's what we'd call it on earth"

"A celebration?" He asked, violet just shaking her head "no we're not celebrating anything. It's just a party to have fun, drink and dance at. Just the 15-25 year olds" she said, Ao'nung smiling slightly, thinking

"Hmmm, then it's settled. We'll throw a party" Ao'nung replied, Violet smiling wildly


Violet hummed, sticking needles in the fabric that went around Neteyam's torso, her drawing and lining it with things as The Na'vi listened to her humming

Violet had always liked making clothes, even when she was little, It was a passion she shared with her mother. Now she did not have much yet she still made clothes, for herself and other Na'vis, sometimes the Na'vi children wanted clothes and sometimes it was the adults. She didn't care tho, it was her favorite thing to do, and recently Neteyam had gotten a lot of fabric from Norm for her birthday

At this moment she was creating a flower top, it having a tube top that was green and pretty, then having a see through mesh with flowers sewn in on top, currently she was working on sewing them together

"Soooo Tey" she started, neteyam just groaning as he figured this was going towards the baby talk again

"Me and Ao'nu-the Tsahìk have decided to throw a party" she said, neteyam looking at the human in confusion and wonder "what? Why? Nothing big has happened" he said, violet just laughing

"Just to drink, dance and have fun. Only for 15-25" she said, neteyam starting to smile as he realized he'd get to spend time with his lover

"That sounds lovely" he said, she only smiled "great cuz this top and skirt is for you to wear" she said, Neteyam's face flushing a darker blue

Violet had already created a flower miniskirt, having a hole for the tail and being a forest green like the tube top. And when it's said mini, it's meant mini

"Uh I don't know-" Neteyam's started, Violet quickly shushing him by poking him slightly with a pin she was putting to the fabric "you look lovely. And maybe you'll get something from Ao'nung" she said, winking as neteyam looked towards the human. Blushing slightly

Then In came another Forest na'vi, she was violets age and about as tall as neteyam. She looked very much like Neytiri, just younger

The na'vi moved to the human, picking her up as the human squealed, hugging her tightly. swaying violet back and forth "Hi Lettie!" She yelled happily as the human let out a few happy squeals

Neteyam smiled at the two as violet moved her face to kiss the na'vi's cheek "Hello Reańi!" She laughed as the Na'vi put her down

Violet moving back to Neteyam to continue what she was doing with a big grin on her face, Reańi going to sit and watching

Neteyam smiled slightly, he always knew and felt awful that violet would never get a mate or have children as she was not Na'vi and there where no humans around a her age

Yet when she met Reańi it seemed everything changed. Funny enough Reańi had attempted to kill violet the first time she saw her. Yet now they where basically attached to each other, you never saw one without the other

Of course they could not physically mate in the way Na'vi do as well as they couldn't mate the 'natural' way humans did

Yet they decided to become one, norm had offered to try and create violet an 'Avatar' as they call them, but she refused as it would take them years

At this moment the two where dating, soon to be 'married' violet said it was called, it being the humans way of becoming one. They had both decided with neteyam that he'd be a donor for them to have children, as he was for Uh'taled and Ko'siteta. Them deciding as well that Reańi would carry the children for less risk of mutation

Neteyam never thought a human and Na'vi could fall for each other but he didn't mind, things happened and he learned you couldn't control who you loved

"I have everything set up Ma Lettie" Reańi said, messing with her hair as violet smiled to her "great! Neteyam said all is well so!" She smiled, Reańi giggling at the humans smile

Neteyam just rolling his eyes as violet finished the top. Stepping back to admire her work "spin" she demanded, neteyam sighing and slowly spinning in a circle, violet normally got hateful when he didn't corporate

The human smiled and clapped her hands together, Reańi smiling "you did it again my love" she said, complementing violet on her work. The na'vi never missed an opportunity to make the human flustered

Violet just smiled "you may change and do what you need for the rest of the day, me and Reańi will set up and come get you when it's all ready" she said, neteyam nodding and moving off to a closed space, changing

Violet giggled and she sat in her Na'vi's lap, wrapping her arms around Reańi's neck

"This will be so fun!" She exclaimed, Reańi giggling and running her hands through violets now much longer hair

"Anything with you is fun my love" Reańi replied

I'm back my loves! I just couldn't wait much longer to get this out as I really like how it turned out!
What do we think of violet and Reańi? I thought the concept of Violet getting to have a mate would be cute!
The festival will most likely be in two parts as I hope to have some ~Spicy~ stuff in there
Well I don't have much to say so as always tell me what you think!
Much love!
Words: 1220

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