Chapter 33. Tragedy strikes again

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Neteyam's pov

I woke up with a groan, I could feel my back aching as I sat up, now realizing I was in the middle of the forest. Though I don't remember going to sleep here

I looked around, my lover no where to be seen, this worried me greatly

I got up, noticing it was much easier now, I looked down and noticed that my stomach was flat once more

I looked around, now seeing the forest and how everything looked, it was stunning

I noticed my hut, Me and Ao'nung's hut. Of course I started to walk to that, I couldn't wait to see my lover

As I walked in i smelt something cooking, it smelled wonderful. I walked over to a small shelf and picked up a photo, it was me, ao, and four kids

I smiled to myself, my babies looked so wonderful

I decided to put the photo down, now walking towards what seemed to be rooms

The smell of burning wood filled my nose, I walked quickly into one of the rooms

There was fire. Everywhere. I looked around and saw two of the children that I saw in the photo on the ground, holding each other

I rushed to them, i kneeled down and checked their pulse but there was nothing

I picked them up, cradling them in my arms "oh my babies please...please mother" soon tears began to fall down my face

But that was only two of them, there had to be the other two and Ao'nung somewhere

I put them down, kissing both of their foreheads "daddy will be back...hold on" I muttered before running out. I headed for the biggest room, probably mine and Ao'nung's

As I walked in I saw my other two, cuddled up in their fathers arms. I felt tears form as I rushed to them "oh Eywa please...please" I begged as I check all three of theirs pulse


They where gone

The children I birthed and raised

The man I went through hell and back for


I sobbed, I coughed, I screamed, I cried

Nothing made them open their eyes

Nothing made them tell me it was a sick joke

I collapsed next to them

Everything was falling apart around me, my home, my family

I held my two kids, I wanted to go back for the other two but I couldn't, I would die

As I rocked my two girls back and forth I leaned against my lover, whispering a song as I sobbed

This was my hell

Third person pov

Neteyam woke up quickly, sweat on his face as tears started to pour. This woke his lover up who's confused glare turned into one of worth as he quickly sat up, pulling the shorter in "hey hey hey it's okay it's okay" he said, voice as soft as he could make it

Neteyam gasped for air, his lungs and body burning, was that what would happen if he stayed here? In the forest?

He tried to listen to his mates voice but the more he talked to more he couldn't hear him, all he could hear was the burning and sizzling of his children's flesh that he had the misfortune of seeing and hearing

Ao'nung rocked him back and forth, saying something that neteyam cut off with a strangled sob

"We have to leave" neteyam said through sobs, Ao'nung holding his face to look at the boy "we need to leave?" He asked, neteyam nodding frantically "but this is-" "we have t-to leave! We need to pack and go" neteyam cut him off quickly, more tears falling from his eyes

Ao'nung shook his head "we cant" he said, neteyam sobbing once more "you don't understand! We have to go!" He yelled, Ao'nung nodding "okay yes we'll leave but I need to to calm down, your safe. I need you to tell me what's wrong" he said, neteyam taking a few breaths as he held to his mates wrists

"There was a fire- our kids- you- gone- please" he choked out, his head spinning from the crying and the ever growing migraine

But before Ao'nung could say anything the horn blew, not the horn that meant someone was here. The horn that meant there was trouble

Neteyam's ears perked up, could his dream be coming true?

He got up quickly, it was his job as Olo'eyktan to fix these things

"Teyam wait!" Ao'nung yelled but the shorter was already out the door, running as fast as he could towards the village.

And there he saw it, Quaritch had Violet by the hair on a cliff. the human kicking and screaming

"Let me go you bitch!" She yelled, her hands at the base of her hair which The Avatars Hand was tangled in

Reańi watched with tears in her eyes, knife clutched but she didn't dare get closer to them "let go of her!" She yelled, yelping as Quaritch swung Violet over the edge of the cliff

Violet yelled, Begging for her life "Please Quaritch!" She cried, Neteyam watching with wide eyes

Ao'nung ran up next to neteyam, putting a hand over his mouth as he saw what was happening

"Let her go!" Neteyam yelled, starting towards the two as he pulled his knife

Quaritch tsked, loosening his grip on the human which made her cry once more "one step closer sully and I'll drop her" he said, a grin on his face

Neteyam growled, he had done this once. When they where kids, his son spider, someone the sullies had taken in had been running around the cliff and bumped into Quaritch who by habit pushed the human off the cliff

That upset him deeply, that he pushed his child off the cliff. But it seemed as though he had no remorse for this other child, a child who at once he saw as his own

Neteyam put his knife up, protectively placing a hand on his stomach "let her go" he said again, Quaritch only smiling

Reańi then charged at him, yelling curse words at his as she ran past the oldest sully

Neteyam tried to grab the Na'vi but it was to late, Quaritch already identified her as a threat and before anyone could do anything else he
let go of the human

Reańi stopped in her tracks, the screams and sobs of the Human where all that was heard before a loud crashing sound and silence followed

Quaritch smiled, getting onto the ikran he has gotten and flying off. Reańi immediately dropping to her knees and sobbing

Neteyam signaled Ao'nung to go down below the cliff and retrieve Violet, neteyam wanted to sob himself but he had no time to mourn the loss of Violet

The loss of his sister

He moved to Reańi, placing a hand on her shoulder and sitting on his knees

This really was hell


Once the sun had rose they placed Violets body in the soil for her to give energy for new life

Reańi placed thing after thing down with her lover, sobs coming from her throat

She placed one last thing, a photo of their unborn baby boy, a photo Violet never got to see

Neteyam let a few tears fall as he placed a flower down with her body

A violet

Please don't hate me😭😭
This chapter was fun to write but also I know not only did you guys get attached to violet I did so like I cried
Please don't kill me
Btw if anyone's confused Neteyam and Ao'nung are 22 during this since the last age update‼️
As always
Tell me what you think
Much love!
Words: 1285

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