Chapter 22. Surprise

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Third person pov

Neteyam got up, waking up his lover in the process of running outside and throwing up, Ao'nung running after him and quietly crouching next to Neteyam. Holding his hair and rubbing his back

Neteyam wiped his mouth, taking a few deep breaths "my love, I know your worried but this has been going on for weeks. I think you need to go see norm" Ao'nung said, helping neteyam up and back inside to their bed

It's true, over the last few weeks since Neteyam and Ao'nung's family have came to visit neteyam Has gotten up sick and nauseous. Still Refusing to go to norm

Neteyam's family and Ao'nung's had only stayed so long because of neteyam being so sick, worried for him

"No I told you I was fine" neteyam said, taking a drink of water before laying back down. Stressing with norm wouldn't make this any better

Ao'nung just sighed and laid down with him. Them both drifting back to sleep


That same day around lunch The whole sully family waited around neteyam and Ao'nung's tent, waiting for neteyam to say what he needed "I should've told you guys forever ago and I'm sorry but uh" neteyam started, looking to his lover "me and Ao'nung are mated" he said, getting no reaction from his family

"Yea we knew" Jake said, neteyam and Ao'nung looking at them in shock, Kiri speaking up "tonowari can't keep a secret" she giggled, Ao'nung just rubbing his head

Neytiri going to hug her son "I'm proud of you my sweet boy" she said, looking to Ao'nung and pulling him into the hug "welcome to the family" she said, Ao'nung smiling as the rest of the sullies joined the hug


The next day Neteyam got up sick again, this time he decided he was done with it. Putting on his pants and shirt he left the tent early, knowing his Mate would most likely just think that he was on a patrol

The sun was just now rising. Neteyam knew norm would be awake so he went to his Lab, knocking before pressing the buzzer "hey norm...can I come in?" He said, letting go of the buzzer

A few minutes later the door opening, him walking in. Said door closing behind him as he walked over to where norm was, sitting down on the metal table

"What's up kiddo?" Norm asked, looking to neteyam who had his arms wrapped around his stomach "well I've been like super sick and I wanted to know if you could maybe give me something? Patrolling is awful when I'm constantly nauseous and changing moods every five seconds" neteyam said, Norm's eyes widening

Neteyam just looked at norm, confused. Norm just rolling up his sleeves "what are your symptoms?" He asked

"Well I feel faint, cravings for stupid shit but somehow food makes me sick, nauseous, my stomach hurts like hell and mood swings" neteyam said, Norm taking notes on his computer before turning to Neteyam

"Listen, this is definitely gonna be an uncomfortable question but are you active?" Norm asked, Neteyam's eyes widening at the realization

"Oh Eywa me and Ao'nung haven't done anything for weeks" neteyam said "your not thinking what I'm thinking right?" He added. Norm sighing and turning back to his computer

"It's a possibility. When did this all start?" Norm asked "uh probably a few days or so after my parents arrived so atleast Six weeks, probably eight since me and Ao'nung did anything" neteyam said

Norm sighed "you want me to check to see if it could be that?" Neteyam nodding "okay lay back" Norma said, Neteyam doing as told

Norm put on gloves, raising Neteyam's shirt to his chest and grabbing some gel. Putting some on Neteyam's stomach and putting the transducer to His stomach

Norm watched the monitor, pressing harder in different areas. The whole thing being extremely uncomfortable to Neteyam

Norm slightly smiling and turning the screen towards neteyam, holding the Transducer in the same spot, pointing at the screen "see that? The thing that looks like a canopy fruit? That's a baby Tey. Your pregnant. About nine weeks" norm said

Neteyam just laid his head back, not knowing what to say or do. Norm moved the Rod and Wiped the gel off of neteyam, printing a photo out

Neteyam sat up, pulling his shirt down, looking extremely upset. Norm looking at him and rubbing his shoulder "is that not good?" He asked

Neteyam looked at him "well I mean it's not a bad thing but...not necessarily a good thing" Neteyam said, wiping a tear that dared to fall down his cheek

Norm handed him the photo "come back to me every four days okay? And try not to do to much that could put you or the baby at risk" He said, neteyam nodding and putting the photo in his pocket. Leaving and immediately heading to violets hut

The sun had already rose, people nodding and smiling to neteyam as he passed

Neteyam stopped at His best friends hut, knocking. Violet almost immediately opening the door "oh hey Tey! Come in!" She said, the human letting Neteyam in

Him immediately seeing Uh'taled, figuring it was good to hit two birds with one stone as he wanted to talk to her too

Neteyam going to sit next to Uh'taled, who smiled at him and sipped her tea "would you like a drink Tey?" Violet asked. Neteyam shaking his head, The human nodding and coming to sit down At the little table with the two Na'vi

"So why'd ya stop by this early?" Violet asked, Neteyam's eyes watering. The women noticing this "did he do something?" Uh'taled asked, talking about Ao'nung

Neteyam just took out the photo, throwing it on the table, both women looking at it. Uh'taled looked to neteyam smiling, violet was confused "Tey what does this mean?" Violet asked, Uh'taled turning to her with a smile

"Neteyam's pregnant. This is what a Na'vi baby looks like in the end of the second month" The female Na'vi said, being pregnant herself she knew pretty much immediately. Actually having guessed it as Neteyam came to her seeking medication for his nausea

Violet smiled, clasping her hands together "is this not a good thing?" She asked, neteyam immediately starting to cry

Uh'taled rubbed his back, violet moving to sit next to him, rubbing his leg


The women comforted him for atleast two or so hours. Them just talking, letting neteyam cry and Uh'taled telling neteyam what he'd be dealing with

Neteyam thanked them as he walked out, heading to his own tent. Violet looking to Uh'taled "he'll be fine right?" She asked, Uh'taled just sighing "he's strong, I think he'll do good. And he has us" she said, violet nodding as they continued to chat

Hello! I figured I'd get this one out early since I didn't update yesterday! But to clear some things up that might not make much sense. A Na'vi carries a child for a less time then a human. Therefore the child develops much faster
Na'vi's are only in the womb for about 6 months instead of 9. They also show much faster, neteyam has already started showing as he's in his third month at this point but it just looking like he's gaining weight
Obviously since they only carry for about 26ish weeks month 1-2 are the first trimester, 3-4 the second and 5-6 the third
I hope everyone enjoys the chapter
As always tell me what you think!
Much love!
Words: 1265

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