Chapter 4. Awoken

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Mention of SH read at your own risk⚠️⚠️


Kiri's pov

I looked around, noticing I was in a black void, looking around and walking but feeling like I was getting no where

Suddenly a figure appeared in front of me, back turned they looked like.. Neteyam

I walked over to him, finally being able to actually move, putting a hand on his shoulder I smiled "Tey?"

He turned around, smiling at me "oh my sister" he said, hugging me "sister why are you here?" He asked, intrigued

"I uh...I.." I stumbled looking at my arms and legs, they still seemed to be bleeding, even though I was dead. His gaze seemed to follow mine, gasping "little sister..." he said, hugging me again

I broke down "I'm sorry Tey! I just wanted to be with you! I cant live without my older brother" I sobbed, he held me so I was sobbing into his chest, he looked as tho he never got injured, no scar where the bullet hit him

"It's okay sister, I know. Nga yawne lu oer" he said, rubbing my back "love you too neteyam...please come back" I begged, needing my brother "we all need you, Tuk keeps asking when your gonna awaken and we don't know how to tell her.." I sobbed. he held my face, making me look at him, chuckling "I would love too but it's my time to be with Eywa and I'll be waiting for you guys, but do not join me before your meant to, love, live, have fun, remember me" he said, wiping me tears with his thumb as he did when I was younger "I-" before I could say anything he shushed me "it's not your time Kiri, I've seen what your life holds, trust me you want to go back, I've seen what all of you guy's life's hold, it's important to me that you go back, be with mama and tuk and lo'ak" he said, slowly taking me through a door, as we walked through we where back at home tree, looking around

I gasped, it looked beautiful, there I saw it, Lo'ak was the olo'eyktan, next to him was Tsireya, she was the Tsahìk, they where older by a few years, they ruled the forest, keeping peace, while having two small children running around them as neteyam pointed to him "thats Ve'rtle and Latay'et, their twin boys" I smiled, happy knowing my brothers future

As we walked we slowly came to another door, we walked through it and we where at a cliff, where I saw Tuk all grown up, with a male Na'vi, I'm guessing her future mate. They where laughing as they jumped onto their Ikran and flew off, they had no kids from what it looked like

We kept walking and went through another door, we where at the Metkayina Clan, seeing Ao'nung being the Olo'eyktan with his Tsahìk next to him, not sure who but he looked an awful lot like Neteyam but that wasn't possible. There where children running around them, Three to be exact. Neteyam pointed to them "thats Le'di, she's Ao'nung's Youngest, Named after his aunt. That ones Alyara, named after His grandmother, the second youngest. And that's Al'uis, his second oldest, named after aunt lis" he smiled as he said it, slowly pointing to one in the corner "thats Violet, she's his oldest"

I smiled, looking how happy they where, Neteyam took my arm and slowly led me back to the hut where we lay "here we are, go ahead and lay down and you'll go back home" he said and I looked at him and hugged him "what does my future look like?" I asked, knowing he would not take me to see it "Beautiful, your a strong warrior in the future" he said, smiling, I kissed his cheek and laid down. He looked at me "I love you my sister, also remember I'm looking after you, I'm always with you" he said as I slowly closed my eyes, everything going black

Slowly I woke up, looking around I looked outside and saw the sun was setting, knowing Neteyam's funeral was soon I tried to get up, being pushed back down

"You must stay down, for you will not heal if you do not" I heard someone say, I looked over to see Ronal, Tonowari's mate rewrapping my arms

"How bad is it?" I asked, looking back up at the ceiling

"Bad enough you almost hit an artery, you could have died" Ronal said, Venom lacing her words but somehow softness tracing behind

"That was the point.." I said softly, upset at Eywa for bringing me back

Ronal looked at me, putting a hand on my cheek "darling...this is never the answer, cutting yourself is never the answer"

I looked away, tears in my eyes, knowing she was right but not wanting to admit it

She sighed, getting up "I'll go tell your parents your awake, their so worried" she said, walking out, leaving me to my own thoughts

I looked around, sighing "why mother, why" closing my eyes as I said that, knowing that I would definitely be in trouble

It must have only been maybe five minutes but I opened my eyes again, looking around at the entrance to see mother and father rushing over to me as lo'ak, tuk, Tsireya and Ao'nung stayed at the entrance, holding each other

"My baby!" Mother said, wrapping her arms around my neck and hugging me, being careful of my wounds

Dad just looked at me and ran his hand through my hair

I couldn't help it as the tears began to flow, sobbing was the only thing I could do, disappointed in myself

"Oh Ma kiri" mom said, putting her hand to my face and then putting her cheek to mine "my sweet girl" she said, I could tell she was crying, scared of loosing another child

"I-I'm sorry.." was all I could choke out before the other four surrounded me, hugging me as well

"It's not your fault my sweet child" mom said, knowing that I was safe

After everyone calmed down a bit they moved away, giving me space

"I saw neteyam.." I said, looking up "I thought I was dead" I was, I was dead or I wouldn't have seen my brother...unless he wasn't dead. Maybe he was in a state between death and life

Everyone stared at me, wanting to know if anything happened "he told me he loved me and it wasn't my time" I said, sighing at the memory, not telling them but smiling at their future

"What are you smiling at?" Mama asked me, I shook my head "nothing Ma" I said. Ronal walked in, nodding at me to say that I could get up and start walking, I slowly got up. Smiling as I could stand fine. Mama took my arm "it's time to go get ready" she said as she led me out, sighing I knew this is what Neteyam wanted.

Author here! I honestly love this chapter, it's my fav so far, cried while writing it so. But anyways I really hope you guys like it, this is my longest chapter so far
Much love xoxo
Words: 1234

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