Chapter 26. Forgiveness

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(Rlly quick I wanted to say THANK YOU FOR 2K!!! I love all of you sm and thank you for reading my book and sticking with me<33)

Third person pov

Ao'nung knocked on the door to their tent, only to be faced with silence "Tey please" he said, to which he got no response

Only muffled sobbing could be heard, This breaking Ao'nung's heart. He knocked on the door softer this time "Ma teyam please talk to me" he said, on the verge of tears

Soon the door unlocked, Ao'nung heard scurrying away from the door as he opened it, to see his lover sitting on the floor with his knees to his chest

Ao'nung moved over closer but just sat in front of him, a few feet away as he didn't want to scare neteyam

"My teyam.." he said softly. Listening to his lovers sniffles

"I shouldn't I gotten so upset I'm so sorry" Ao'nung said, neteyam raising his face to look at Ao'nung "you should h-have never left!" Neteyam yelled

Ao'nung just nodded and sighed "I'm so sorry teyam...your right I never should have..." he said, neteyam sniffling "go away..." he said softly

Ao'nung just looked at him "really? I just tried to fuck apologize and console you but nooo" Ao'nung said, mad

He stood up, moving to the door "I'm glad you lost that child. You didnt deserve it" Ao'nung said, storming out, leaving a heartbroken and angry neteyam

Neteyam quickly standing and following him, the two families now watching as Ao'nung started walking down the path, neteyam walking behind him

"I didn't deserve the baby?! Actually fuck you Ao'nung!" Neteyam yelled, the taller Na'vi ignoring him

"Your a stupid bitch!" Neteyam yelled, Ao'nung still ignoring him

Neteyam scoffed "you deserve to be fucking dead. Not my baby" neteyam said, going back inside


Violet smacked Ao'nung's head again "really?! You told him that?! Omg you are so stupid" she said, furious for her best friend

"Your stupid and would be an awful dad" violet scolded, Ao'nung just rolling his eyes

"Roll them eyes one more time and see what happens boy" she said, in a very stern and motherly voice. Putting Ao'nung right in his place

"Okay he told me I deserved to die!" He yelled, regretting his tone almost immediately

"Who the fuck are you yelling at Ao'nung?" She said, turning towards the Teal Na'vi

He just looked down and muttered a 'sorry' before going quiet

"Okay listen, you both said things you don't believe. Just leave him be for a while okay? He's hurting and so are you. leave him alone" violet said. Ao'nung nodded

"And stop being a Skxawng"


About two weeks later Ao'nung was so tired of it, he just wanted his lover back

So there he found himself, at their tent door, knocking "who is it?" He heard from the other side, Ao'nung reluctant to say anything

"Well who the fuck-" Neteyam said, opening the door to see Ao'nung and shutting it again

Luckily for Ao'nung he had caught it with his hand, jamming his fingers but it was fine

Ao'nung forced his way inside, shutting and locking the door behind him as neteyam backed up, moving towards the kitchen "get out of here" he said, reaching back and pulling a knife

Ao'nung seeming unfazed at this as he just went and sat down, pulling out the chair next to him for his lover

Neteyam put the knife down, slowly making his way over to the Na'vi he had hardly seen in the past two weeks

"What do you want" neteyam asked coldly, Ao'nung sighing. Feeling tears welling up in his eyes

"I'm sorry Neteyam. I should have never said such things you didn't deserve any of this and your right I do deserve to die-" he ranted on, neteyam toning out his rant eventually, staring at his face

And there he saw, genuine sorrow and guilt

So he did the only thing he could think of doing. Neteyam put his hand on top of Ao'nung's which quieted him down immediately

"I'm sorry too Ao'nung. I shouldn't have said any of the things I did either. You don't deserve any of this either" neteyam said. Forgiving Ao'nung

Ao'nung moving closer, leaning in, neteyam doing the same thing as they locked lips for the first time in weeks

The kiss was passionate, full of love and happiness yet some lust lurking as they had not had physical affection in weeks and it was driving them both crazy

Neteyam quickly moving to Ao'nung's lap, Ao'nung kissing down the smallest jaw and neck, leaving small marks

Neteyam smiled, pulling his lovers face back up to kiss him again. This one was slow and filled with only love

Neteyam and Ao'nung pulling apart, placing their foreheads together

"I see you Ao'nung.."

"I see you neteyam.."

Ughhh I'm so so sorry for the short ass chapter but I'm sick so I didn't feel like writing much I'm rlly sorry 😭
As well as I had absolutely no ideas what to do with this chapter as I have ideas for the next two atleast but I needed something in between so I decided on this
Also I'm very very sorry I did not post sooner. I can't promise I'll post tomorrow, depending on how I feel. Hopefully I can get in an every day/every other day posting schedule
As always I hope you enjoyed
Tell me what you think <3
Much love
Words: 920

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